"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"

      INSPIRATION- The Bible is unlike any other book.  It is "inspired" meaning God-breathed!  Many authors today claim their works are inspirational, meaning they may cause people to be emotionally stirred, but the Word of God is the ONLY Book that is God-breathed.  Through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the Bible was written (1 Pet 1:21). And what a fantastic book it is!  Comprised of 66 books written by about 40 authors from all different walks of life and written over a period of about 1400 years and covering about 4000 years of human history, the Word of God clearly stands unchallenged as the most amazing book ever written.  And interestingly the Bible is the most purchased book in history yet is the most cherished and the most hated at the same time.
      INERRANCY- The Word of God is also innerrant, meaning there are no errors in it.  While there may be confusing passages, usually the problem is that the solution to the apparent contradiction is in the Bible itself.  That reveals the importance of comparing scripture with scripture (Is. 28:9,10).  God's Word is pure (Prov 30:5,6) and  perfect (Ps. 19:7).  Pure means "free from moral defilement, without spot, incorrupt, unmixed, unadulterated, holy, not sullied or tarnished" etc.  Perfect means "not defective, finished, complete in moral excellencies, manifesting perfection," etc. and in the case of the Word of God these definitions are most fitting.  Many critics of the Bible are critical due to their unwillingess to submit to it's Authority (see Is. 8:20, 2 Tim 3:16) and the Authority of our Creator (Gen 1:1-3).  Rest assured one can trust the Word of God.  The historical and archeological evidence that supports the Word of God  is overwhelming as is the testimony of many throughout time.  One of the greatest facts that stump even the harshest critics is the innumerable amount of individuals who have been changed, and drastically, from heeding the message of God's Inspired Word!
      PRESERVATION- The word preservation means "the act of preserving or keeping safe or to preserve from injury, destruction or decay" etc.  Clearly the God of the Universe, the Creator of the heaven, the earth and mankind has the POWER to preserve His Holy Word from error.  Critics and the cults will claim that since man has  translated the Bible and because so many years have passed, surely there are errors and it cannot be trusted, but the scripture clearly states, "Thou shalt keep them (His Words), O LORD, thou shalt PRESERVE them from this generation for ever." Ps. 12:7 (See also V. 6).

     The King James Issue
     The Lord seems to have always had His Word in the most common language of the day.  The King James is in English and has been for about 400 years the most purchased "version" of the Bible.  While there have been MANY translations of the scriptures since 1881, the KJ is the one that is preserved, despite the attacks of the critics, religious and otherwise.  Too cover this controversial subject completely would take many more pages than designed for this curriculum but the following facts will help the student to understand the distinction between the "versions" and the preserved Word of God.
      1.  God promised to PRESERVE His Word (Ps. 12:6,7).
      2.  For nearly 300 years the KJ was undisputed in being the Word of God.  There was no debate from
believers over "which Bible is right?"  The understanding was the KJ was THE BIBLE!
      3.  EVERY English translation comes from one of two sources, the Textus Receptus (Received Text),
which is comprised of over 5,000 manuscripts which in agreement over 95% of the time or the Alexandrian
      4.  Satan has HATED the Word of God from the beginning and has sought to undermine in it (Gen. 3:1-4).  Interesting that a preacher used to speak the Word of God, it was understood and taken to be so, but now with all of the translations that differ much, people question the bible when they do not agree with its content and commands.
      5.  Clearly things that are different are not the same.  There are MANY DIFFERENCES between the
      6.  Compare the following passages in ANY modern translation and then compare them with the KJ.
Col 1:14, Luke 2:33, 1 John 5:7, Matt 17:21, 18:11, Mark 16:9-20, John 5:3,4, 7:53-8:11, Acts 8:37, Acts 28:29, Romans 1:16, 14:21, 2 Tim 4:22, Heb. 2:7, Rev. 21:24 and 22;14 for starters, there are MANY more!  Not all modern translations corrupt these particular passages but all do corrupt numerous scriptures!
      7.  The Word of God is CLEAR about the importance of the WORDS of scripture.  See Deut 4:2, Prov
30:5,6, 2 Tim 3:16 and Rev 22:18,19.
      8.  The KJ Bible is on a 5th grade reading level.
      9.  The KJ Bible was the Bible being used when the greatest TRUE revivals occurred in our history since 1611.
      10. The KJ Bible does NOT have a copyright where nearly all other "translations" do?
      11. The KJ Bible is the ONLY one that some label as God's perfect Word.  I have NEVER heard anyone state that they believe the NIV, NAS etc. are perfect, without error and the preserved Word of God.
      12.  Westcott and Hort, whose work is behind many of the modern translations, held to many heresies.
             The Word of God is clear and the Lord has kept His promise in the King James Bible!
Lesson 1 Video

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