"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24

     The account in Genesis is very clear; Adam and Eve, male and female.  As the old joke goes, NOT Adam and Steve!  Male and female they were created as (Gen. 5:25).     Though this will not be the longest chapter in the book, having to include it, is a sad testimony to the condition of our degenerate and sinful world.  As of a few years ago now, United States Military Recruiters are no longer allowed to ask sexual preference questions to possible enlistees and at least one state has declared that same-sex  couples are legally recognized as a marriage unit, rewarding the identical privileges and benefits.  Disney, the FAMILY company (emphasis mine) also recognizes the same for employees.     There is ABSOLUTELY no debate friend; a sodomite, homosexual union is not a marriage in the eyes of God, IT IS SIN!  I said nothing that the scriptures do not already declare.  Anyone attempting to justify this gross sin is not taking the Bible for what it is-God's Holy Word!      Romans 1 clearly explains that sodomites, both male and female, are people that God has given up to vile affections and uncleanness (1:24,26).  This passage reveals the natural use, if you please, is a man towards a woman, within marriage of course.  Anything other than this God calls unnatural (1:27a).  The statement is often made, "That is only one passage, are there any others about this subject?"  Another is, "Certainly you are not going to base your thoughts on one part of that book, are you?"  That book is the BIBLE, not just a book (we covered that subject in the previous chapter) and if Romans was the only place discussing this topic, that should settle it for the one professing Christ as his Lord.  However the Lord also gives us Leviticus 20:13a, "If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination."  Do not ask your pastor his opinion of same-sex unions (although if he agrees with them, you need to locate to another place of worship) and certainly do not side with the crowd that believes, "If it works for them, who am I to judge?"  GOD IS THE TRUE JUDGE AND HE HAS ALREADY DECLARED THAT ANY FORM OF SODOMY IS WICKED AND AN ABOMINATION!  IT IS DETESTABLE TO A HOLY GOD!     Today there is a strong movement for churches to put their stamp of approval on this perverted lifestyle and regard it as acceptable. Another growing concept is one that ministers to these people with no rebuke of their sin.  Any god that gives an invitation to join him while smiling at their sin, is not the God of the Bible!  Man can do nothing to rid himself of his sin, but he must be convicted of that sin, before he comes to the Saviour, who Himself is Holy.  You say, "Why do you keep saying that word, holy?"  Because "The Lord our God is holy."  (Ps. 99:9b) He is pure with a moral purity that no mortal man could ever comprehend.  HE IS IN COMPLETE CONTRAST TO ANY SIN OR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS!  THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD OF THE BIBLE IS HOLY IN THE MOST POWERFUL SENSE OF THE WORD!  WHEN THE SINNER COMES TO CHRIST BY FAITH, GOD SAVES HIM, BUT GOD NEVER CONDONES OR OVERLOOKS SIN!  IT WAS FOR SIN THAT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WAS MOCKED, BEATEN AND FINALLY PAINFULLY CRUCIFIED!  HE SHED HIS BLOOD FOR SIN THAT WAS NOT EVEN HIS-FOR HE WAS SINLESS (2 Cor. 5:21)!  AN UNNATURAL, WICKED RELATIONSHIP SUCH AS SODOMY IS AN ABOMINABLE SIN IN THE PRESENCE OF A RIGHTEOUS GOD-NOT A MARRIAGE OR AN ACCEPTABLE WAY OF LIFE!     Christian, you watch as this topic will be the turning point for  persecution of the body of Christ.  In my opinion, this issue will separate the true Christians from the false.      The tolerance issue and acceptability of sin is what has destroyed true Christianity.  100 years ago, divorce was wrong! 75 years ago living together constituted a sin!  50 years ago a drunkard Could never have been a believer  while in that condition!  Now sodomy isn't that bad, the poor persecuted people, just like the Jews in World War 2!  So  now, the drunkard gets coerced into getting a little religion so he comes to church and prays the prayer or walks the aisle.  But no one tells him that he must think of his as God does and repent of it.  There wouldn't be enough converts that way.  But in the meantime Joe's still a drunkard, he just knows John 3:16 and he attends church semi-regularly.  He is still a drunkard and he is still unsaved, but the holiness of God has been brought down a notch in the eyes of mankind.  Because if God accepts a man who is consistently living in outright sin, then God must think it is alright, or so the world perceives it.     Now the same is occurring with sodomy.  Christians, at least some, believe that to properly minister to a group of people means you cannot step on toes, you cannot correctly witness to them without telling them the truth about their sin.  I will cover more on this topic later.  But wait and see how sodomy will become the central issue and far more open  in it's "coming out of the closet."  Due to this openness, "Christians" will be forced to take a stand.  They will either voice God's opinion on it, their own, or they will whimper away without being cornered.     I realize how different it was even as I was growing up in High School in the late seventies.  I knew absolutely no one that professed to be a sodomite!  And there was no tolerance for this "sick" lifestyle.  People had enough sense to recognize that it was vulgar and not normal, even the secular world.  Twenty years later America has progressed to, "Its not nice to point fingers.  If it works for them, that's okay, its just not for me" attitude.  I am sure that Sodom got to their state of degradation rather quickly also.     Do you realize that as of 1997, a preacher can be jailed in Canada for standing as his pulpit and stating that homosexuality is wrong and sinful?  America will soon be next!  What will you do, Christian father or mother, when the government tells you that your child cannot graduate until he/she accepts this godly lifestyle as normal?  This concept is already being developed in our own country, including those that home school.  What about when you are threatened with being locked up if you speak against sodomy while witnessing on the street?  Men, are you prepared to face the unemployment line, because you voiced your Saviour's opinion in the workplace?    Some of you by now are surely commenting that I do not sound like a "positive" preacher.  Sure, I'm positive.  Positive that our wonderful world of Christians are so worldly they have no discernment and those that do, have no guts!  We are being duped by Satan and society to accept homosexuality and no one cares!  Listen, the average American believer has seen so many murders, acts of violence, crime, and countless other varieties of sin via the media,they have no sensitivity to sin!  While rock music made it "cool" (a word not allowed in our home) to be immoral, Three's Company and John Ritter had you laughing about being "gay".  Then a movie called "Philadelphia" is released featuring America's filthy, vulgar-mouthed, sinful "hero" Tom Hanks and everyone pities his "gay" character.  Then, another "beloved" good guy, Tom Selleck is kissing another man on screen.     Here is how Satan works friend.  In the eighties, America watched and greatly enjoyed a show starring this actor, Tom Selleck.  He was a "good" guy in the world's eyes and was very likable.  10 years later he plays this part in this movie, where he actually has a somewhat lengthy kiss with another male actor.  Now most people, though at first possibly repulsed, will eventually tone down their original feelings of disgust.  For one reason, the actor.  It wasn't Adolf Hitler performing this act, it was a "good" guy, a lovable, friendly sort.  Since most people have this impression of this actor it softens any sin he may be involved in.  It, more or less, justifies the act as being acceptable, because of who is performing the act.  Though most viewers will not follow in the footsteps of Tom Selleck and go out and kiss another man, their discernment is dulled and they believe the offense is not that bad.  If it was, this actor would not be doing it.     This is one of the worst crimes of television.  Due to the hero's status and image, people perceive acceptability of actions based upon the hero's participation in those actions.  I am not saying that just because a media actor does something, everyone else will.  But I am saying, that as the very least, the seriousness of any wrong action will mentally be downplayed.  I will give you an example and his name is Bill Cosby.  Is he a decent guy overall?  Funny, loves children, a family man.  Most people, probably  at least 99 out of 100 would say certainly.  Why?  Because his image.  Now to the discerning Christian Bill Cosby is an adulterer.  He recently admitted to having an immoral relationship with a woman many years ago, while he was married to another woman, no less.  He is an adulterer to God and to the discerning Christian.     I do not bring up Bill Cosby to especially pick on him, he is just like all those others in Hollywood.  But imagine viewing scene after scene.  Year after year with "heroes" and "good guys" doing bad things.  It is a contradictory image and eventually will cause a great distortion of what is right and wrong.  And that is the Devil's reasoning, his methodology to attempt to change the minds of people regarding certain issues.  Don't laugh please, the important thing here is the correct view of sin.  REMEMBER IF THE WHOLE WORLD DECLARES THAT SAME-SEX COUPLES CONSTITUTE A MARRIAGE, THEN THE WHOLE WORLD IS WRONG!  It is obvious that for decades, Satan has been utilizing music, movies and television to influence society into changing the moral standard.  In most churches, the sins of fornication, adultery and drunkenness are downplayed.  How much longer before sodomy is treated lightly by those claiming to teach and preach the Bible?  It is of vital importance that God's people continually remind themselves that Satan is the "god of this world" (2 Cor. 4:4) and the "prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" (Eph. 2:2).     Do not be deceived, but speak reprovingly to those involved in this work of darkness, with love as your motive (Eph. 5:11).     So then what is a marriage?  A God-ordained marriage is one  man and one womancommitting themselves completely to each other, acknowledging the fact that they are now "one flesh" (Eph. 5:31) until their separation by death.  The marriage ceremony is performed showing covenant to the rest of society and the legal departments of our country.  That many men and women choose to live together with no ceremony of union is simply an example of lack of commitment.  This of course, is sin (1 Cor. 7:1,2.     As we begin to conclude this section concerning what a genuine family and marriage are, we must consider the tragic divorce rate in our country to day.  Due in nearly every case to selfishness, men and women are breaking their vows to stay together at a alarming rate.  The attitude that is predominate is, "What do I get out of the relationship?"  Others are, "He doesn't do every thing just the way I like it" and "She is not what I thought she would be."  Pure selfishness stemming from pride.  Like an out-of-fashion piece of clothing, spouses are tossed aside.  Once again God's Word is the standard.  "Let not the wife depart from her husband" (1 Cor. 7;10b) and "What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder" (Matt. 19:6b).  Also "Let not the husband put away his wife" (1 Cor. 7:11b).  Plain and simple.  One man, one woman, til death do you part.     One hundred years ago, divorce was treated like a disease because even the unsaved were responsible to their commitments.  If both a husband and wife are true believers, there is absolutely NO reason for a permanent separation.  NONE!     The problem is that the world's concept of love has permeated the body of Christ, replacing the sacrificial, unselfish love that God desires believers to have (1 Cor. 13:1-13, Phil. 2:2-4).  The husband of ten years expresses, "I just don't love her anymore."  Nice try.  A correct and honest answer would be, "I no longer have a grateful and appreciative heart and besides, my wife does not match up to the women I see at work and on television."  Whatever happened to together forever?  Again, the deception is an incorrect understanding of love.  The world has brainwashed everyone into thinking that love is based on three ingredients.1. Physical Attractiveness2. A Certain Feeling3. What Do I Get Out Of This RelationshipVirtually all couples, with rare exception, are together for at least one of these reasons.     Look at how the "god of this world" uses billboards, magazine covers, newspaper advertisements and certain types of clothing to sell his concept of love.  And most men fall for it head over heels!  Either consciously or subconsciously the impression is consistent and devastating impact of today's fathers and husbands in particular.  True the influence is gaining momentum among the women but for years men have been the primary target.  And whether admitted or not or even realized, most men make mental comparisons between their wives and those women that are all decked out to reveal their physical features.     When a man has his mind filled with images of perfectly-formed, always pleasant and scantily-clad women all day and then he comes home to a wife with an infant in one arm, and slaving over a hot stove with the other, he is going to undergo a struggle!  For some men, this struggle is more influential than with others.  As the old nature is bombarded with visual images of what a woman "should be" the mind is affected.  The impact is dependent upon the strength of the new nature, the power of the Holy Spirit of God, and what the reaction is at the time of the attack.  And attack is certainly not to strong of a word, for if Satan can alter your thought pattern, bring it away from Christ and conform it to the world, then he has a hold on you, the Christian.  "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rom. 12:2a)     Satan wants you to covet a woman, or women, other than your wife.  And as expressed before, Satan is aiming his darts toward women in this same area as well.  Fifty years ago it was unheard of for women to act the way they do now; dressing like teenagers, flirting with men, going to the malls with their daughters etc.  Satan wants you to think of self-satisfaction and self-pleasure.  And if he can direct the minds of of Christian husbands and mothers down that path, then the digression has begun.     What a contrast to real, godly love.  The physical appearance of a person should never be the factor that determines if a relationship can, or will, take place.  Did the Lord choose you because of your good looks?  I may have never seen you, but I would gather that the answer is a great big NO!     Listen, the flesh that covers that smiling, perfect-teeth, born-with-perfume-on office girl is just a cover for the personality underneath.  Recognize the truth that a man looks on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart (see 1 Sam. 16:7).  Love is none of the above statements.  Worldly love abounds and consists of the self-pleasure philosophy and centers on the outward.
     However Biblical love is just the opposite of worldly love.  Our Lord Jesus Christ set the example for us by willingly giving His life on the cross of Calvary.  He gained nothing by shedding His blood, nor by allowing His tormentors and accusers to whip and ridicule Him.  He did what He did so that you would not have to go to hell.  BIBLICAL LOVE IS A COMMITMENT WITHOUT REGARDS TO PERSONAL GAIN  THAT CONSTANTLY AFFIRMS AND DISPLAYS SACRIFICIAL, SELFLESS ACTS, FAITHFULNESS AND ESTEEMING THE OTHER PARTY AS MORE WORTHY THAN SELF.           Saying "I do" God's way is to have a firm obligation to stay with and care for that person faithfully until death.  despite habits, physical or emotional changes, financial situations etc.  No matter what events occur; foreseen or unforeseen, I am fully committed (there's that word again) to be your spouse, partner and best friend, one flesh, always together, never long separated.  Friend, this only is God's love.  Read First Corinthians, repent and decide to love His way, which is so much better.  No wonder it is He that hath made us and not we ourselves. the heart (see 1 Sam. 16:7).  Love is none of the above statements.  Worldly love abounds and consists of the self-pleasure philosophy and centers on the outward.
     However Biblical love is just the opposite of worldly love.  Our Lord Jesus Christ set the example for us by willingly giving His life on the cross of Calvary.  He gained nothing by shedding His blood, nor by allowing His tormentors and accusers to whip and ridicule Him.  He did what He did so that you would not have to go to hell.  BIBLICAL LOVE IS A COMMITMENT WITHOUT REGARDS TO PERSONAL GAIN  THAT CONSTANTLY AFFIRMS AND DISPLAYS SACRIFICIAL, SELFLESS ACTS, FAITHFULNESS AND ESTEEMING THE OTHER PARTY AS MORE WORTHY THAN SELF.           Saying "I do" God's way is to have a firm obligation to stay with and care for that person faithfully until death.  despite habits, physical or emotional changes, financial situations etc.  No matter what events occur; foreseen or unforeseen, I am fully committed (there's that word again) to be your spouse, partner and best friend, one flesh, always together, never long separated.  Friend, this only is God's love.  Read First Corinthians, repent and decide to love His way, which is so much better.  No wonder it is He that hath made us and not we ourselves. 


"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.  The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.  She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.  She seeketh, wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.  She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.  She riseth up also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.  She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. "
                                                                                                                                      Proverbs 31:10-16

     "She openeth her mouth with wisdom:  and in her tongue is the law of kindness.  She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.  Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also,  and he praiseth her.  Many have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.  Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the the Lord, she shall be praised. "
                                                                                                                                      Proverbs 31:26-30

      Here comes controversy!  I am sorry but that is true.  And that is the saddest part of all.  Controversy and strife over clear passages.  The reason that "professing" Christians disagree over the issues regarding the woman is the same for every other issue.  People are unwilling to allow the Word of God to be their authority.
      Keep in mind that the fence is the best friend to many.  They cling to it, they embrace it with all their might, with every ounce of strength they cannot be pulled from it.  The fence is not extreme, the fence is in the middle, not all the way with God.  There is no persecution while on the fence and it receives no ridicule.  The world sees the fence and will not raise a voice against it.  The fence is safe.  The Christians of today are all riding the fence, so certainly you will be accepted by them as long as you stay right on it.  You see the fence, my friend, is acceptable religion.  The one side is the world and the other side is true Christianity, complete with it's holiness, godliness and a Bible that encourages obedience.  The person that rides on the fence is seen from both sides.  The "Christian" on the fence does not want to jump off on the world's side; he would not feel religious enough and that crowd would make him feel insecure.  He will not jump off to the other side, the Christian side, because then his family, friends, relatives and co-workers would label him extreme and fanatical.  They even have terms for it, like going overboard or off the deep end.  Remember, most "professing" Christians are on the world's side and many genuine Christians are still straddling the fence, because they hesitate to go all way with God.  Many times they have the same likes and dislikes, opinions and interests as those on the world's side or others on the fence.  IT IS A COMFORTABLE PLACE!  That is why few and far between are the ones who cross the line to all the way with the Lord.  "Yea, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."  (2 Tim. 3:12) TRUE CHRISTIANITY WILL BE BLATANTLY DIFFERENT THEN THE WORLD AND THE RELIGIOUS!  The truer the Christianity, the more intense the persecution will be.  The false religions such as Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are getting less ridicule and more respect.  Why?  Because they fit more onto the side of the fence that the world is on.  Sure they have some far-fetched beliefs, but when it comes to personal particulars, those areas are left up to the individual.  While there may be guidelines, there are no set standards-no definite right or wrong.  Now Bible Christianity IS definite concerning many areas of life; the husbands responsibilities, the wife's role, the training of the children etc.  There are commands and principles that God says to follow.  And naturally, if you do not follow  His commands you are wrong.  YOU SEE, EVEN THE CULTS, STRANGE RELIGIONS AND ACCEPTED "NORMAL" DENOMINATIONS ARE VOID OF ANY EXPLICIT REGULATIONS REGARDING PERSONAL MATTERS OTHER THAN THE NORMAL DECENCY AND MORALITY!  But God on the other hand, made you and I.  He is also a God of order, just look at the makeup of the body if you doubt that!  So the Lord knows how a home would be most orderly.  In fact, what a coincidence, He even gave us instructions, specific instructions, so that our homes would be able to run in an orderly fashion.  When we violate these instructions it means at least one of three things.  1.  One is ignorant, having never discovered or been taught these instructions.  2.  One is disobedient and thinks that they have a better way.  Therefore they think they know more then God and are in direct rebellion.  3.  They really aren't too smart, considering He knows what is best for us.
    Remember, the world does not want any standard.  If you are a homosexual, that's okay as long as you do not try to force it on me.  Abortion, that is left to the individual.  Adultery; if it happens, it happens.  You know what though?  Christians will allow the scriptures to be the standard on issues such as these, but what about long hair on men, short hair on women, the wife being submissive to her husband, the woman staying at home and out of the workplace.  Doesn't the Bible say something about these things?  Then why is it that "Christians" who claim to follow Christ do not follow him in these particulars.  Listen, I will tell you nothing.  But I will relay to you what God has already said!  Then it is up to you to follow the Lord in these things or to rebel and be disobedient.  The choice is yours and the only good advice that I can give you is to do what the Bible says.
      My responsibility is to open the Word with you and help you to see what it says.  I will add nothing to it.  I encourage you to open your Bible, read the passages and study along with me.  As long as your heart is right, there is no way in the world that you can come to any other conclusion then the one presented.  Not because I am the standard, but because the Bible is so clear.  It is just a matter of believing what it says!  Do you realize that how you respond to God's Word is an example to others?  The Lord may be dealing with someone on some of these issues and that person may just ask you for your thoughts on the matter.  They may even make reference to certain Bible verses.  Do you shrug it off, declaring that those passages are not meant for everyone to follow, that these are modern times and things are different?  What you are really saying is the Bible is out of date and the world has advanced so rapidly God can't keep up with it.  You think I am kidding.  As we deal with these forbidden topics like birth control, modesty, the woman being a keeper at home etc. you're mind will race to come up with anything to keep you from lining up with the Word of God.  Again, that is if your heart is not right.  If it is right, and you are ready to obey God, no matter what He shows you, you will enjoy learning these doctrines, thank God for them and then start off obeying them.
     Satan works most in the religious realm.  He already has the drunkard and the adulterer.  And what he rejoices in is a saved person NOT obeying God's principles or "religious" people that are not genuinely saved.  The scripture that I quoted earlier in the book is relative here, "To the law and to the testimony : if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."  (Isaiah 8:20) Ephesians 5:11 reads, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."  We think of works of darkness as being a group of ugly, pimple-nosed, black robed witches surrounding a large cauldron of their brew, while chanting a satanic rhyme.  But that is a false picture that doesn't touch the surface.  Again, Satan is greatly involved in religion according to 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.  He has MINISTERS that appear to be MINISTERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.  Only when one speaks the truth BIBLICALLY is he a true minister.  So be very careful from whom you get your opinions from and remember,  if their opinions differ from the Bible's, you may be heeding advice from one only appearing to be a minister of righteousness.  I hear it all the time.  "Oh my pastor preaches the truth, he lays it on the line."  Really now.  What does he teach about the married woman being at home?  "Well he doesn't mention that" or "that is left up to the individual" or my personal favorite, "it is impossible for a wife to stay at home these days."  So I calmly tell these people, "But what does the Bible say?"
     Martin Luther was told that the whole world was against him, because of his belief that salvation was by faith and the Bible was the authority, not the Roman Church.  His response was, "Then I am against it (the world)!"  And as Martin Luther discovered and believed the Bible was the standard, needing no interpretation from the priest, so Christians today need to do the same thing.  I have conversed with many about these issues regarding the family and you can sense conviction and concern coming over them  Then I see them a few days or weeks later and they shun me like I grew warts overnight.  What was the problem?  They went to their priest (modern-day Bible teacher at the local liberal church) and he has assured them that we are in the age of grace and we don't HAVE to do anything, or else it would be legalism.  Kind of reminds me of the Word being snatched away before it reached fertile soil.
     A once-seemingly godly woman of about 55 years of age recently told me I needed to "go with the flow" regarding the "modern" Christianity that is popular now, with it's coolness, and rock music etc.  You see, our motto in Christianity used to be, "I"ll die for the cause of Christ and the Word of God."  Ask Peter and Martin Luther and William Tyndale and the Christians that gave their lives to the lions.  Today the slogan is, "Doctrine doesn't matter, just love Jesus."  Not only does that clearly go against the scripture of 2 Timothy 3:16 where doctrine is listed as very important, but look at 1 Chronicles 13:7-11.  David was joyous before the Lord and praising Him.  Yet because the due order (1 Chronicles 15:13) was not followed, the Word being disobeyed, God struck dead the man who violated his Word!  If the Lord did that today, our churches would need every medical service in the district to gather up the bodies.  To the Christian world of today, emotions are primary, tradition is secondary and just possible the Word of God comes in third in importance!
      How will it be, Christian woman, if you decide to obey the scriptures on these matters that will soon be introduced?  I warn you, Jesus Himself said, "Suppose ye that I come to give peace on earth?  I tell you, Nay; but rather division: for from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two and two against three.  The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."  Jesus Christ said that!  There will be division!  And doctrine that is false is certainly cause for division!  Unity is for those that are in doctrinal agreement.  Read 1 Corinthians 1:10 and Amos 3:3 so that you understand how God feels about unity and division.  Of course the Lord desires unity, but not at the expense of the Word and scriptural purity!  In the Old Testament, the Lord does not tell the Israelites to join the pagans so they could be unified.  He directs them, commands them to separate.
     Now finally, you are probably asking how all this relates to the role of the wife. You most likely will not care for my answer, or answers, but here goes.
1.  Because most christian women do not follow the teachings in the Bible regarding the roles and responsibilities God has given them.  This little introduction is to prepare you for the potential battle that lies ahead.  If you decide to follow the Lord's plan for the wife and mother you will be in opposition to just about everybody.  This will most likely include your relatives, pastor, Sunday School teacher, your favorite radio preacher, as well as other women.  By taking this action alone, it will appear that you are judging them.  Actually what they will probably be feeling is conviction.  And you should be verbal about standing for the truth of God's Word.  You may be put in a place where you have the opportunity to either compromise or to boldly proclaim that you are simply following the scriptures.  This is how the Lord brings conviction to others, as well as build your spiritual character.  More often then not, your words may fall on deaf ears, but the Lord just wants His people to be faithful in sharing the Word.
2.  This chapter relates to the woman of today because women have become very independent, very unsubmissive and yes, very rebellious.  This is not just my opinion by the way.  My wife and a few other godly women will gladly tell you the same thing.  Gradually women have learned to be independent.  It began on the largest scale during World War 2 when our country needed uniforms and other clothing for the troops, but could not provide them in the time needed.  With most having the right heart, women flocked from their homes at a tremendous rate.  Certainly not all women, or even close to that, but still a vast amount.  Consider this: with rare exception was it acceptable for a married woman to work in any capacity outside the home.  And this was among the saved and unsaved.  Sure there was nurses and some women owned businesses, but hardly any of them came from within a marriage.  After  World War 2, some women enjoyed their independence and new-found freedom.  They did not feel complete anymore JUST cooking meals, changing diapers etc.  Scrubbing the kitchen floor on your hands and knees just didn't seem as important as aiding the country against the evil Nazi's or so Satan would have it seem.
     It was wonderful that women would sacrifice their personal time, their finances and their effort.  BUT IT WAS WRONG!  Why?  Because God said women, Christian married women, are to be "keepers at home."  (Titus 2:5a) Now before you argue please think.  100 years ago, our country, though not Christian in the true sense of the word, was respectful to the Bible and reverent and fearful towards the Creator.  Not everyone, but by far the majority, had at least a general understanding of the Bible's teachings and knew that one day they would give an account to a Holy God.  In secular homes (most), vulgar language and taking the Lord's name in vain was unacceptable (and it was often the wife that was the enforcer of the rule).  Doors were left unlocked; strangers riding through town were given board and meals, and that at no cost.  Fathers stayed with mothers and mothers stayed with fathers.  Children had one set of parents.  Teenage boys, (the bad ones) carried frogs to school, not semi-automatic weapons and knives.  Girls and mothers didn't think of smoking.  Girls said, "Yes ma'am" and helped prepare supper.  They didn't ask for the family buggy, strip down to their underclothing and go into town to flirt un-virtuously with all the boys.  Back then, they would have been considered "fallen" or "wayward" girls, but now they are every families teenager.  The Bible was read in most homes after dinner instead of the family perching down in front of the television for their daily dose of sin.  Little boys did not play with slimy sewage turtles that drank beer and knew karate while listening to New Kids on the Block and voicing their idolatry of some sports player. They helped milk the cows and played with a wooden train if they were in a fortunate family.  Mothers didn't cut their dresses off at the knee or shorter, then glue them tightly to the skin.  They worked in the fields with bloomers underneath their long, flowing, loose-fitting garments that went down past their ankles.  And when they finished they didn't stroll into an air-conditioned home with ceiling fans to grab an ice-cold tea out of the refrigerator.  They came in hot and tired, then without complaint, spent two hours over a hot stove preparing a meal for the husband and seven children.  Imagine then, the man coming in from a full day of putting fence up, chopping wood and tilling acres of garden.  He finds a note from his wife, "Went to work at Food Town, cold supper is on the table.  Do dishes so we are sharing responsibilities, feed the children, nurse, burp and change the baby. Also pray with the children and sew a patch in Joshua's pants.  Thanks, you're a hon.  I'll be back at 10:00 P.M.  Johnny, the filthy-mouthed guy from down the road, you know, the one living with his girlfriend, is giving me a ride home.  Love ya, see ya soon.  P.S.  If the brats are too much to handle, just paint some pictures on the wall, tell them to sit on the floor and stare at them until bedtime.  It's the newest thing.  I know they won't be spending time with you or being productive, but at least they will be out of your way.  Bye."
     Don't laugh, because Satan is destroying America and getting mothers out of the home  and into the workplace is one of his primary tools.
     Women today, including many that profess to be born-again, are not going to have anybody tell them what to do.  Often I hear the excuse, "Oh I have to work to make ends meet."  NOT SO!  Obey God and he will provide for if you truly have needs.  I have never met a couple that needed the wife to work to pay bills and put food on the table.  I've met hundreds that "needed" to pay for a nice house, a nice car or two, brand-name clothes with high price tags, televisions, VCR'S, cable television etc.  Listen, most women work because money and nice things are their god and covetousness and independence are their priorities.  Are you really a family in need?  Cancel cable t.v. sell your television and VCR and live in a more conservative home. You could even go to yard sales or thrift stores to purchase shoes and clean clothes for the family.  You see, in most cases, Suzy works because neither Joe or Suzy are willing to sacrifice-they love the lifestyle more than their children or their God.  Or more accurately, their lifestyle and their toys are their god.
     Keeper at home.  A home-keeper.  Sounds a lot like a housekeeper, does it not?  Cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, ironing, doing dishes, doing laundry, scrubbing floors etc.  Only your motive isn't pay, it is your responsibility to the Lord, your husband and your children.  My wife does not get a tremendous thrill out of cleaning the toilet bowl or doing 20 loads of wash a week.  But she does it because God tells her to in Titus 2:5a and because she loves her husband.  Remember Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments."  You figure it out.  God tells ALL Christian, married women to do those same things just mentioned.  The home-keeper is the role God gave you!  That is the ONLY role God gave you if you are a Christian woman that is married!  Truth is-most women do not have what it takes to control children  and keep a house.  And it isn't prestigious enough.  It is work!
     It takes will power, wisdom and strength to raise children to discipline them, to get dirty hands cleaning the oven, and all those other nice things that come with motherhood.  The Lord can help you with each and every one of these areas.
     Look at society.  Crime from 10 year-olds, vulgar language from 6 and 7 year-olds, teenagers killing for fun and profit.  Immorality is now normal for those of 13 and 14 years of age.  Why?  Because God is out of the nation and Christian mothers are out of the home!  They do not raise their children, day cares and babysitters do, along with friends and the "wonderful" television set.  What a shame when God's people are hardly different from the unsaved!  If you have no children, you are still supposed to be home, did you know that?  There is no requirement for children in this passage.  Is it too low for you, too humbling to admit that the Lord designed you to be a help-meet for your husband?  HIS God-given job is to provide for the family and your career is to make his job easier! You are supposed to iron his clothes so he doesn't have to. So he can concentrate on his responsibility-providing for you and  the children.  It is like team, working together.  The goal is raising a family that loves the Lord and grows together spiritually.
     Each in his or her own role.  When one gets their role mixed up, it puts everything out of whack.  Picture the 8 year-old son dictating what is for dinner, what will be done for entertainment and how much the family will spend at the department store.  Well, just as wrong is the Christian wife who leaves her God-ordained place of the home, forsakes her husband and children, and heads off to work!
    Get right with God before it is too late.  Your children need you, each day that you are disobedient to the will of God they pay for it.  Set a goal that within a short period of time (2 weeks to 3 months) you will quit your job and stay at home.  Repent of any rebellious attitude that you may have and be totally submissive to your husband.  Remember, you are not a slave, you are recognizing the God-given positions for both you and your husband.
     During the 1800's many of our great revivals were brought about by godly women that prayed.  They saw the need in their community for God's people to be revived.  They sought the Lord and prayed fervently and without ceasing.  Charles Finney's biography is full of cases where God brought him to a place where one or two women were in constant prayer.  Finney was the tool, ready to be used.  But the prayers of the righteous woman or women, are what moved the heart of God to lead the evangelist there.  Think about the ability of a woman who stays at home.  If she organizes her schedule correctly, she should able to spend much time in prayer.  Of course, people do not take prayer too serious any more.  I have brought this subject of prayer up when certain women have complained that they would be bored at home.  The scripture tells us that "...the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much."  (James 5:15b)  It is evident that women of years ago got through to God with their prayers, and this through concerned, consistent prayer.  But when a woman leaves the duties of home and gets her mind involved in areas which are really not her concern, such as bills and budgets and so forth, then she forgets about prayer and it gets lost in the shuffle.  Perhaps that is one reason why America is spiritually starved.  Because women have more interest in themselves than in the ungodliness around them.  Women are not sensitive to sin and evil the way they were in the 1800's.  Today, their need for luxury and comfort is more a priority then the presence of the Lord among their families.
     There are other problems that stem from the wife being out of her God-given place of her home.  The word translated "keeper" in Titus also means "guard."  Think of the guard at a fort.  Picture the cavalry days and a guard is posted at the gate of the fort.  All the soldiers have left for the day, excepting a few new recruits that are inexperienced and gullible.  There is one guard, and needless to say, his job is very important.  A necessity.  And he must not let his guard down, he must keep a watchful eye lest the enemy attempts to get in.  In fact, a report has been received that the enemy has been sighted on the prowl.  Suddenly the sentry deserts his post!  For four long hours there is no protector, no roving eye looking for the opposition, no weapons ready to defend  the fort or those in it.
     The guard returns only to find the enemy all over the camp!  One of the new recruits is playing a game with one of the opposition.  The guard notices many of their evil number hiding in various positions throughout the fort.  As you approach the entrance way you remember your duty as a soldier, sentry, and you take aim with your weapon.  But alas, you are stopped by one of your own comrades!  They are standing in support of the enemy.
    Your own companions, your associates, actually prevent you from fighting against the enemy.  They tell you that these men are not so bad, they mean no harm.  Suddenly you are apprehended by the commanding officer and he has you detained in his office.  "Why did you leave your assigned post?"  He asks.  Lazily, you respond.  "I thought everything would be okay, I was only gone a short time."  The general glares angrily at you .  "You know what the guidebook says for guards.  You are NEVER to leave your post for ANY reason.  You are to NEVER abandon the fort and leave a chance for the enemy to get in."  "But sir" you beg with conviction, "I felt called to leave."  Gaining strength for his position the guard sits up straighter.  "I did it for you sir.  You see I went to buy ammunition and horses for our platoon.  You understand , don't you sir?"  The piercing eyes of the experienced leader burn into the soldier.  "You may think that you were doing the outfit good son, but you disobeyed my orders, my commands.  I would never be happy with someone going against my word, despite their seemingly good intentions.  You have disobeyed my word soldier, and my word is the authority.  Even though you meant well, you have pushed my authority aside."
     The older man continues, "And remember, you may have felt a calling, a feeling or something.  But any "calling" that would have you violate what I have already told you, and what the book has already told you, is wrong!  Maybe it was some subliminal message from the other side, you know, the enemy."  The guard knows his error now but attempts to grab at any justification that may keep him out of trouble.  "General, you know, all the guards are doing it now...leaving their post I mean.  It's the thing to do now, the way it is."  The general is now outraged.  "Son, you are a post-deserter, you have failed me and those that you promised to protect.  Now I have to add to my normal duties and search out if there are any enemies that may have infiltrated our ranks.  You have made my job a lot more difficult, because you did not do yours!  Good intentions or not, you have put every person in this fort at risk, weakened our defences, and greatly hindered this fort from accomplishing it's mission!  Though you are still a member of this outfit you will be punished accordingly.  Due to the fine work that our unit has done lately, each man was going to receive a special reward, a medal of commendation.  You however, despite past acceptable behavior, have lost your reward."
     And so it is with the Christian wife and mother who leaves home and goes into the workplace.  Believe me.  The wife and mother that is not consistently home WILL EVENTUALLY lose her concern for guarding and protecting her family from the attacks and influences of Satan!  The young children start to watch some television program (see chapter on television) that has questionable content.  Perhaps some words that would normally not be allowed in the home or certain behavior.  You let it go, because you just got home and you are busy getting dinner ready.  The next week, your teenager gets some new friends, but you are at work every time they get together.  A month later, 11 year old Billy brings home a role-playing game, complete with magic, bloodshed and harlot-attired woman.  But it is 10:30 at night when you discover the game.  You are tired and decide to talk to him about tomorrow.
     The "guard" is let down.  "Be sober be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" (1 Peter 5:8) When the woman leaves her domain, so to speak, the fort is left unguarded and HE WILL INFILTRATE WHEREVER AND HOWEVER HE CAN!
     Remember wives, the husband is the head of the home, but you are the guard, the sentry, the keeper.  Many times a woman is more aware of what is potentially a spiritual threat or danger.  Example: a father purchases a toy gun for his son's birthday.  The boy soon is playing shoot and kill at all the relatives and family members that enter the home.  Mom intervenes while dad exclaims, "he is just being a boy."  So what if he has just play-acted the sin of murder 100 times in the last week.
     Please examine yourself or a friend and see if what I am not saying is true.  See how the standards drop and soon, what used to be not allowed in the home-is now there.  Why?  Due to the woman losing focus, losing discernment regarding influences.  Also, time is a factor, because you are busier, not to mention your will-power just drops you are so tired.  The Lord never meant for you to juggle spiritual responsibilities, husband-helping, children care, housework and an outside job!
     This method is probably one of the most powerful weapons that Satan has for letting sin creep into the home.  Rebellion, division between family members, strife, tension, arguments among parents and children.
     Something else to throw in.  The Bible passage in 2 Timothy concerning the last days mentions among other things that people will be "...without natural affection."  (2 Tim. 3:3a) For a mother to leave her child, her baby or toddler, at a day care is without natural affection!  It is totally natural for a woman to care for her infant, to breastfeed her newborn, to wait with baited breath for the first crawl, the first step, etc.  Nowadays many mothers leave their children in the care of strangers, sometimes while they are no older then six weeks!  Even a relative is not the mother.  Not even a grandmother.  God meant that you nurse your child, feed your child, discipline your child, bandaid your child.  No one else is the mother of your child but you!  IF MONEY FORCES YOU TO NOT CARE FOR YOUR CHILD, THEN MONEY IS YOUR GOD AND YOU HAVE NO TRUST IN THE IN REAL GOD!  AT 15 MONTHS AND 15 YEARS, YOUR CHILD NEEDS YOU!  They need MOM when they fall in the yard, when they throw the first ball, when they want a snack after school, when they need help with the homework!  How long will our families and society pay the price because our children are confused.  America's mothers need to regain their conscience!  Children are trained by television, raised by relatives, formed by friends.  No close relationships with mothers and fathers.
     For years, even secular psychologists have warned us that the woman not at home is risking raising delinquent children.  But they offer unbiblical answers that give no real help.  They try to work around the problem, but they do not set down the standard that a married women NEEDS to be at home.
     In case you need any more reasons why women should be at home, I would like to remind you of the temptation that is brought upon a man when working side-by-side all day with another woman, not his wife.  How many men have fallen morally, due to some woman being out of her place?  You see, the Lord knows that putting men in this situation consistently is damaging.  Most women do not come to work with messy hair and perspiration dripping from their foreheads.  They usually have makeup on to try to attract men and wear skirts that start and end at the waist.  However the wife of the man at work, if she is home all day, probably doesn't look, smell and sound as nice as Barbie, the wonder doll from the office.  She has been REALLY working; cooking macaroni and cheeses for the children's lunch, cleaning up inches of water that is on the bathroom floor from their bath etc.
     Let me ask you this.  Do you truly mind if your husband is with other women all day, hours more then he is with you?  I have a set rule that I do not go to lunch with other women.  (In fact I normally do not go with men either.  I prefer to go off alone and read the scriptures or a "good" Christian book, such as a biography.)  But do you know how many men enjoy the company during lunch of some woman, who probably has loose morals (as most women do)?  Now before you get mad at me, how many women smoke, go to the bars, look at the guys flirtatiously, are immoral before or aside from marriage?  How many use vulgar language, take the Lord's name in vain or dress in immodest fashion?  Out of the hundreds of women that I have had to work with in the last 10 years, I can only guess that no more than one or two actually fit into the category of being decent, by biblical standards.  You say, "How harsh and judgmental?" Listen, if Martha is living with a man and they are not married , she is an adulterer!  Most females above 15 that have boyfriends are immoral.  That makes them fornicators, not a cashier that is a nice girl.  So the bottom line is, the more women in the workplace, the more room there is for moral temptation and breakdown.
     To conclude what must seem like a harrowing chapter to some of you, I would like to tell you a brief story.  There is a pastor that I became associated with some time ago.  The topic of women being at home came up, and he informed me that his wife was a schoolteacher at a secular school.  He told me that she felt like this was a "calling" from God and what a help she was in a non-Christian environment.  I  told him the truth.  That if someone called her to the workplace, it was not the Lord who did it , because He would not go against His Word.  He was stunned.  In addition, this pastor was your normal struggling pastor with a beautiful, fancy home in a well-to-do neighborhood.  In fact, months after our discussion, our family stopped in his neighborhood (unknowingly) to go to some yard sales.  Interesting that when he saw me he had guilt written all over him.  Within seconds, I mean seconds, of making eye contact, this pastor uncomfortably blurted out some words about how the Lord had blessed him with his home.  1.If they could afford a home like that, why was she working?  2.If her income helped them afford the home, why not have her quit and then downsize?  3.God didn't call her into the work force, because then He would be be violating His own word.
     Mothers and wives, I know this may be difficult for you.  The Lord knows your heart.  Stay at home.  Cook and clean for your husband.  Be there for your children.  Home is the place the Lord designated you to be.  Being a "keeper at home"  is the only role he ever intended you to have.


"But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering."
                                                                                                                      1 Corinthians 11:15
"But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonereth her head:  for that is even all one as if she were shaven."
                                                                                                                       1 Corinthians 11:5
"And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.  And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions."
                                                                                                                        Revelation 9:7,8
"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of every woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."
                                                                                                                        1 Corinthians 11:3
   Does the LORD care about your hair?  You tell me.  If you have been saved any length of time, you tell me if there is anything in the Bible about a woman's hair.
    The scriptures in first Corinthians is the primary area in which we find instructions concerning hair.  I will not go into a lengthy dissertation.  If you would like some good material on this subject the Mennonites publish some very factual and scriptural pamphlets.
    I will tell you this however.  The LORD'S intention is that men look like men and women look like women.  The scripture does clearly state that it is a shame for a man to have long hair (1 Cor. 11:14).  It is also recorded that a woman is to have her head covered (1 Cor. 11:5,6).  Some religious bodies mistakenly interpret the verse to mean a woman should wear a doily or cloth.  That is incorrect.  How do I know that?  Because verse 15 of the same chapter tells me that the woman's covering is her HAIR.  Simple.  Unfortunately, some well-intentioned people tend to forget that one rule of Bible interpretation is to never let a confusing verse overshadow a clear one.  but even so, the passages state that her hair is giving for a covering.  How do I know that having short hair is unacceptable?  Because the LORD says the hair is a covering.
    Short hair does not cover the head.  A normal size doily does not cover the head.  The scripture goes on to say that if the woman prays with her hair uncovered, it is as if she were shaven.  The word shaven means closely cut or trimmed, a close-cut.  So what the LORD is stating here is that a woman who has her head not covered, not having long hair, a full head of hair, is just as disobedient as if she cut her hair real short.  Then we are told that if the woman is not covered, if her hair is not long enough to cover her head, you might as well take it all off.  For that is what the word "shorn" means.  It is defined as "to shear" which means to cut off.  Does Paul really want women to cut they're hair off?  No, he is evidently attempting to make a point.  He even goes on in verse 6 to give a strong implication that cut hair on a woman is a shame.
     The whole issue here is submission.  This is evident from the introduction of the topic in verse 3 and later on in verses 7-12.  The man who leaves his head uncovered, having short hair, is displaying his submission to God.  But if you look carefully at the passage you will see something else.  Why is the man not to cover his head, why is he to have short hair?
     According to verse 14 we are told that nature it self teaches us that it is a shame for a man to have long hair.  Nature, the natural, correct order of things is for a man to have short hair.  We are also taught that a man should not cover his head BECAUSE HE IS THE IMAGE AND GLORY OF GOD (1 Cor. 11:7).  A man is the image of God, he was made in God's image (Gen. 1:26,27).  He is also the glory of God, in a sense the pride of God.  The word "glory" means the pride of, great praise,  beauty and splendor.  In his originally created state, man was made in the image of God and he was the pride of God.  Man was a creation unlike any others the LORD had made.  There is no other created being that can compare with man.  So when a man breaks that original, natural state in which he was created, by going against nature and having long hair, he shames the God who made him. Why?  Because he was altered the creation; himself.  He has corrupted the beautiful work of God.  Like the man who spills paint on another man's artwork.  So man brings shame upon the creation of God by going against "nature."  So for this reason, do not have long hair men.  You only bring shame to your God and to yourself.
      And women, the scripture says that your long hair (verse 15) is to cover you and that it is to glory you.  Why?  Perhaps because of the same reason as the man, in a sense.  The LORD made you that way, the LORD designed women to have long hair.  Long hair looks beautiful on a woman, and it looks more "natural", more correct.  Just as the short hair on a man looks the same way.
    We live in a society where men and women are rapidly working to unite the sexes and bring no difference between them.  Women kick, box and work out at the gym with masculine haircuts.  Responsible adult men, even well-to-do-businessmen, have pony-tails and long, feminine looking hair.  Confusion.  And rebellion.  Against the God that made them. 
    Isn't it interesting once again, that I can point to society a hundred years ago and recognize that 99% of all women had long hair.  It was only when women began their independence and rebellion that they started to look like men.
    According to Revelation 9:7,8 the locusts had faces of men and hair like women.  Gee, there is a difference.  Well, I would just guess that the locusts had LONG hair and that is why the description, hair as the hair if women.

    So ladies, look like ladies.  And be more submissive.  God does care about the hair, or else He never would have written about it.  Sometimes I think that He puts some things in his Bible just to see if we obey them.  We ask "why" too much.  We question the LORD.  We are determind to do "what is right in our own eyes" and hardly consider, if at all, what He wants us to do.  Christian women already have a mindset about how they want to look, what style fits them best, etc.  How many of you reading this book, could honestly say that you have spent hours researching what the Bible teaches about these subjects.


"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."
1 Timothy 2:9,10
    "The aged women likewise...That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands,  to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."
Titus 2:3a - 5
    "And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.  She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house..."
Proverbs 7:10, 11a
    "Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
    The modern woman.  Modern clothes, modern attitudes. 
    Women have always been greatly concerned with their appearance.  Women have always been concerned with what men and other women thought of them.  The LORD gives instructions to women regarding their attitude, their behavior and their physical appearance.  Most Christian women do not have a hint of what the Bible teaches about these issues.  Actually God is very specific and if the believing women of today would follow these instructions, she would find herself blessed in countless ways.

    The first area we will look at will be modest apparel.  The scripture tells us that women should adorn themselves in "modest" apparel (1 Tim. 2:9) and that she should be "chaste" (Titus 2:5).  The word modest means reserved, not forward, having sense and showing what is good and proper and not showy.  It is also defined as having to do with covering, or to cover.  Chaste means pure in thought and action, moral, virtuous or decent.  Simple in style, not extreme.  In 1 Peter 3:12 it is assumed that godly women will possess a "chaste" lifestyle (conversation).  Verse 3 and verse 4 go on to describe that the proper adorning of a Christian should be, not the outward things, but pure and a meek and quiet spirit or attitude.
    So a woman ought to be dressed modestly, covering herself and not being showy or improper.  The saved woman would certainly be clothed in apparel that would display her chaste and pure character.
    Society should not dictate what is modest, but it does, even for the Christian.  And a rebellious heart is usually the controlling factor in a Christian woman's life, not the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
    150 years ago, women, as a whole, were covered.  They wore long, flowing dresses or jumpers, not tight to the body.  These were down to the ground, not exposing the knees or the calf.  Even the ankles were hidden beneath the material of clothing.  The majority of unsaved women were attired this way, as well as the "Christian, God-fearing" women.
     Let me ask you, if you had to dress this way to be modest, would you?  Are you right now looking at these pages and telling them, "you're crazy?" The problem is the heart of most women.  Most will dress the way they please and not allow anyone to tell them anything, not even God!  That is a fact, like it or not.  Modesty today is left up to the individual, because any standard would be calling legalism.
    So, if pastor Bob's 15 year old daughter believes that shorts and a t-shirt are appropriate wear for going shopping, it must be okay.  Because that is how she feels led.  At least she is not wearing a halter-top and jeans with holes in them, right?  If the Sunday School teacher goes to the beach every Saturday dressed in a 2-piece bathing suit, no one can tell her it is improper, for modesty is in the "personal conviction" category.
    There are no standards today and when it comes to attire there is very little, if any, difference between the holy (the Christian) and the profane (the unsaved).
     First the standard of God should be set down.  That I have already done.  Modest, covering the body, not showy or indecent, displaying chastness and purity.  That is the Lord's standard of modest and anything else is immodest.  Period.  Does a 2 piece bathing suit meet these requirements?  No.  There is no 2 piece that covers and displays moral purity.  What about a 1 piece bathing suit?  Well, it certainly is better then the 2 piece bikini suit, is it not?  Perhaps, but did the Lord tell you to be a little better or did he tell you to be modest, displaying decency?  No, a 1 piece is not able to fit into the standards God gave us. 
    It doesn't matter what anyone else says or does.  If you are saved and right with God, you will obey His word and His standards.  Now about shorts.  They cover more then a bathing suit bottom, so maybe they are okay.  Do they cover the body?  Or rather let me ask you this, "could you do better at covering yourself?"  Is allowing the rest of the world to see that much of your legs, truly decent and displaying chasteness?  No, shorts are not modest, for they do not fit the requirements laid down in the Bible.  I have had women tell me, "I will never get rid of my shorts!" Adamantly, defensively, firmly.  Are you afraid that your friends will think you are a kook, a nut who has flown off the handle?  Then get different friends.  Maybe the reason no one has convictions about these matters is because the Lord has already left them alone with their independence and rebelliousness.  Is this the problem with most women?  That God has decided to leave you to yourself with your, "No one is going to tell me what to do attitude."
    Pants.  What is wrong with pants?  What is right with pants?  Any pair of pants separates the legs and defines the body parts.  That's why they are pants.  I don't care what the pastor's wife wears!
    Listen, take a woman in any pair of pants.  Stand her next to a woman dressed in a long, loose-fitting jumper.  On the woman in the jumper, the legs are not divided, therefore you can not see the outline of the lower half of her body.  Since the jumper is very long (by today's standards), the knee's and the calf are well covered.  In fact the ankles are barely visible.  The top on the jumper which is over a blouse, is not tight.  The outline of the upper half is there, but difficult to distinguish.
    Now the female in the pants.  You can see clearly the outline of the legs, all the way up to the waist.  They are defined, many times even the underwear outlines are visible.  The shirt is tucked in at the waist, making it tight to the body.  So, I ask you, which outfit is MORE modest?  Actually only one is modest and right now your conscience has already revealed to you which one.  You can fight against it, you can argue with me all you want.  But every Christian woman should be modestly dressed and no pants are truly modest!  If you were to obey the standards God set down, you would throw away every bathing suit, pair of shorts and pair of pants! Or give them to the Salvation Army so the unsaved, non-Christian women could purchase them!
    You think this is extreme, yet a hundred years ago a woman wearing a bathing suit or shorts would have been locked up in jail for indecent exposure!  And if she wore pants, like a select few did, she would have been considered rebellious, masculine and out-of-place!  You say "oh, times have changed, brother."  Really.  But the Word of God hasn't!  The problem is Christians are not supposed to follow the world, but the world dictates what apparel they wear!
     Listen, if my wife covers a pan on the stove, she doesn't use one that is half the size of the pan!  When my dad wants something over the car to avoid the rain from hitting it he doesn't throw a baby blanket over it! Why?  Because it does not cover, it does not meet the intended purpose.  A car cover was made to cover the car not just the bumper, that is why it is the size of the car!
     God wants you covered ladies.  If you name the name of Christ-follow him.  Not your desires-His!  Are you so afraid of being different?  I know so many women that will submit to the Lord in so many areas, except this one.  And the ones that do believe in true modesty, follow the Bible more literally in many other ways.  They seem to pray more, they seem to be more submissive to their husbands (there is a connection), they are more feminine.
      My wife will verify that when she went from pants and shorts to only modest jumpers and dresses, her attitude changed.  She was more submissive to me, quieter.  She also sat more like a lady.  Wearing the proper, chaste and modest clothing brought a more feminine demeanor out.
      Do you realize that what an average woman wears to the store today is less clothing than a harlot wore a hundred years ago?
       This all, as many other subjects in this book, relates back to the heart.  If the Bible spelled out NO PANTS, NO  SHORTS, NO BATHING SUITS, the women in our churches today would find some way to interpret the passage another way!  Listen, do you not desire that your husband loves you?  If you went to another couples home and your husband spent all his time conversing with the other woman, you would not be thrilled.  If he sat next to her on the couch and laughed and joked with her consistently, you would question his loyalty to you.  If he kissed her goodnight on the lips as you were leaving-would you still believe him when he said he loved you?  Certainly not!  Why?  Because his actions revealed that his words were a lie.  The woman who confesses, "I love Jesus" and yet does not obey Him does not love Him!  Jesus said in John 14:15, "If ye love me, keep my commandments."  If a Christian woman genuinely cares about modesty, sin, lust and covering up, she will dress appropriately.  And she will come to the conclusion that she can not wear bathing suits, pants or shorts OR SHORT OR TIGHT SKIRTS!  Romans 12:2 admonishes us, "And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable will of God."  Paul said, "...But we have the mind of Christ"  (1 Cor. 2:16b).  God desires that you learn how he feels about things and then you change to having the same "mind" or opinion about these things that he does.
      People bring up to us, "What about the beach, what does your wife and daughters wear to the beach?"  Well for one, we do not go to the beach in the normal sense of the word.  My children an I enjoy the water here in Florida.  But what we do is go to a secluded area, such as a causeway.  If there are other people present we do not go.  Our priority is not our fun, it is being obedient. If we are there at the right time, and no one is around we get in the water and have some fun.  My daughters may look a little strange; they wear their jumpers as they swim and play with their brothers and their dogs.  The boys and myself dress in comfortable, active-wear type pants and we do not take our shirts off.  Strange. What do you think people wore 150 years ago?
      Lastly, I would like you to consider how our women came to lose their standards concerning modesty.  Pants were always designed for men.  For centuries, no one produced pants for women.  As the feminism movement began to take root towards the end of the last century, a minute amount of females decided that they wanted to be treated as men.  They were not an organized group or anything.  It's just that a very small percentage of women rebelled against the normal structure of the woman in society.  And I mean a small percentage.  Annie Oakley was one of this number who defied society.  She cut her hair short, wore men's clothes and attempted to pass herself off as a man.  Think about the term, "Who wears the pants in the family."  A woman wearing pants originated out of rebellion.  Think about the term.  Pants were a symbol of who was the authority in the home.
     Progressively as the feminism movement grew so did women smoking, women using vulgar language and women wearing pants.  Deuteronomy 22:5 reads, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination to the Lord they God."  Clearly, historically, pants were made only for men.  Just as dresses and jumpers were designed for women.  Interesting to note: men are now wearing dresses.  I have personally seen two or three men in dresses and our local newspaper just reported a story about a male state employee that clothes himself in dresses, panty hose, high heels and makeup.  An employee of the state of Florida.  People laughed about movies like "Mrs.  Doubtfire"  And "Tootsie"  Yet those actors involved were guilty of abomination towards God.  Why?  The Lord designed men to look like men and women to look like women.  Pretty soon they won't be able to post outlines of figures in dresses to clarify which one is the ladies restroom.
      Remember, God intends that his people be peculiar, different from those around them.  And as you do right and follow the Lord concerning modesty you will definantly be considered "Strange" by those around you.  True holiness has always been something that the heathen could not understand.  As far as modesty in behavior, the scriptures we brought out in the beginning of the chapter are applicable.  A woman is to behave soberly, (seriously) as well as displaying shamefacedness, which means to be bashful or shy and to show shame.  And as mentioned earlier, part of the definition of modest is to be reserved.  And 1 Peter again tells the woman to have a meek and quite spirit (attitude).  The woman should be all of these things if she is to be obedient, and to be her all for the Lord.  Imagine a woman who speaks gently and quietly to her husband and family.  A woman who is submissive to her husband's authority and recognizes that her place in society is one of subjection and not leadership over men.
    Are women today modest in their behavior?  Are they reserved and shy and meek when they tell their husbands what to do?  How about when they boisterously scream at their children or yell wildly at the local school football game?  What about sports?  This area clearly displays how people that claim to be God's children have violated the Word of God.  "Christian"  girls now play softball, basketball and yes, football.  How reserved is a teenager when she sprints from one base to another or fights over the basketball to gain control?  She isn't.
    So should your teenager sign up for the church softball league?  No, in fact, your church shouldn't have a softball league.  There's too many people going to hell for the men to have games and the "church" is teaching girls to be unladylike and masculine in their behavior.  See how far we have gone from Bible Christianity.  25 years ago, less then 2% of the girls in High School played sports.  Now the number is around 25%.  Girls should learn at a young age to be meek and quite, not loud and foolish.  In describing the sinful harlot in Proverbs, we read,  "She is loud and stubborn:"
     Are you a Christian woman?  Then enjoy quite functions such as sewing, crafts, cooking, making gifts etc.  Take part in activities that would not cause you to compromise your modesty in behavior.  As we tell our girls, the whole idea is that you display your love for the Lord by your submissiveness, your quietness, your modesty.  Do nothing that would bring attention to yourself.  Whether it be laughing in a loud manner, yelling, running, wild behavior, jumping around etc.  We knew a pastor one time and upon meeting his ten year old daughter for the first time, she stuck her tongue out at my wife and I and called us stupid.  Do you think they were teaching that little girl about chaste, proper and modest behavior?  Some would tell me that she is just a child, let children be children.  Hogwash.  Soon it will be too late to try to teach that little girl about being proper, meek and quiet.  And it will be no wonder when she is 20 years old and sees nothing wrong with being atrocious or playing ball games, acting like a man.  Take the Bible literally concerning these characteristics and what type of behavior is produced.
      The attitude is the clincher.  A modest woman in dress and a modest woman in  behavior is made or lost by the attitude of the woman.  A woman can dress modestly, but lose all respect and spiritual blessing because of her immodest, unsubmissive attitude.  Here is where reserved and bashful really kick in.  A woman who is modest in behavior will reveal shame when shameful things are in front of her.  Not so with the "Christian" woman of today!  My wife has been invited to the lingerie parties when she first got saved, where all sorts of ungodly speech and behavior are presented itself among the "good" wives of the pastors and Sunday School teachers.  Where is the pure heart that would shun inappropriate talk and look the other way when an indecently-dressed person walks by?
     It used to be that it was improper for a woman to approach a man on the street or begin a discussion with a stranger.  They were taught not to be direct or forward, but to be quiet and reserved.
     The Godly, Christian woman is the one that has a modest heart, one who allows the Holy Spirit to work in her to the point that these scriptures are fulfilled.  We spoke about the man who is consistently walking with the Lord.  The woman consistently walking with the Lord, with her heart fully given to him WILL BE A WOMAN WHO IS A LIVING TESTIMONY OF THESE PASSAGES.  "Who can find a virtuous woman?  For her price is far above rubies" (Proverbs 31:10).  In the eyes of God, what are you worth?


  "Train up a child in the way that he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,"
                                                                                                                   Prov. 22:6

"And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
                                                                                      Deut. 6:7

" And , ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
                                                                                                    Eph. 6:1

      Proverbs 22:6 is a familiar passage to most Christians who have been saved for any period of time, especially those with children.  And an important verse it is!  It is also a passage containing a tremendous promise from God.
      The promise from the Lord is however different from the understanding  many give it.  The passage tells us first of all to train up a child.  Children need trained.  Children are being trained, though not in the formal sense of the word.  The 2 year old and the 4 year old, the 6 year old, the 8 year old, the 10 year old, the 12 year old; all are learning.  They learn by example, they learn by the words heard, the attitudes present, the visible actions.  I am convinced that if most parents realized the extent of the child's ability to learn, they would be more careful about the influences surrounding and influencing the child.
      The crux of the passage is to train the child in the way he should go.  God is telling you, the parent, to train the child in the proper way, the way they should go.  This is where most parents fail.  The way the Lord would like the child to go would certainly be on the path of righteousness.  A path beginning with the salvation of the child and then continuing with the child having a life dedicated to the LORD Jesus Christ.
      Now, the majority of "believing" mothers and fathers express  as the child is born that there desire is exactly that.  No one comes out and says, "I don't care if they love the Lord or not, it matters not to me how they turn out."  But unfortunately, along the way, influences, attitudes, and actions are allowed or encouraged that result in that child  growing up the opposite of what was originally intended.  I believe that much of the problem is the lack of discernment on the part of the parents.
      On the positive side, fathers who are truly devoted to training their children in the way they should go, will do many things.  They will read the scriptures to their children and encourage memorization.  Of course the father must be doing this himself or else he is a hypocrite.  The should and will pray much with the family.  He will speak of the Lord throughout the day, from start to finish, giving the child lessons whenever possible.  Deuteronomy 6:7, a powerful passage reads as follows, "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and thou shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
      A godly father will instruct his child about the evils of sin and specifically name those sins.  By the time my children were three each one knew that cigarettes were sin.  They would walk down the aisle at the grocery store, point at the beer and wine, and say, "That is bad drink daddy, we don't drink that."  By the same age my children put gospel tracts on the magazines with the trashy covers, such as Cosmopolitan etc.  They are taught that men should have short hair and women long hair.
      The father should teach them about the doctrines of the Bible; the deity of Christ, the inerrancy of the scriptures, the trinity etc.
     The father will raise his boys and girls to practice obedience and honesty and Biblical giving, among other things.  He will guide them in every possible area.
      In addition, training will include the father warning of things that can hinder the Christian.  There are many areas that are normally considered "gray" that can hinder the growth and walk of a believer.  Instructing would not be complete without the father teaching his children what pitfalls to avoid and how to deal with potential stumblingblocks.
      So training a child in the way he or she should go entails much.
     Another aspect of this passage is that there is a definite promise from the Lord himself, though many usually do not see it the way it was intended.  Read the verse again carefully.  I mentioned in the beginning of the chapter that normally this promise is misunderstood.  Most Christians put three age groups here where the Bible actually only puts two.  Let me explain.
      A 30 year old man was raised in a "Christian" home.  But presently he is "away" from the Lord, he does not attend church, perhaps he is living with his girlfriend.  The believing parents fall back on the promise to mean that at some time, possibly when he is a senior citizen, he will return to the Lord and the way in which he was trained as a youngster.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
      In fact, what the scripture teaches is that IF a child is led in the way he should go, he will continue in that path INTO ADULTHOOD.  THERE WILL BE NO GAP!  You will have a child learning, then a pre-teen learning, then a teenager learning, then a young-adult learning.  Gradually, and in different stages, the child will begin applying what has been learned.
      This will then lead to the child actually following the Lord on their own.  They will develop a prayer life that is more personal, they will begin to grow in understanding and begin to ask questions about specific scriptures.  We have been blessed to see this occur in our family,  my children often come to me with a list of five or ten questions.
      As the child develops into an adult, they will consistently follow the training that they received as a child.  Why?  Because they have developed their own walk and relationship with the Lord.  They have experienced Christianity, with it's answered prayer and it's necessity to trust in the living and true God.  As a young person they saw the principles of scripture work as these principles were obeyed by their parents.  As they grew, they realized more and more the truthfulness of the words of the Bible.  It was not a fairy tale, but something that proved itself to be real.  This is God's promise.  That when the child is no longer a child, he or she will never depart from the way in which they were directed to go.
      There are two factors that must be considered in order for this verse to be fully a benefit to the reader.
1.     This guarantee is conditional.  This is a classic IF/THEN just like a computer game.  IF you train your child in the way he should go THEN he/she will stay that way, they will not depart from it.  If you train your child to love the Lord, to memorize scripture, to love blessed music, to be sacrificial and spirit-filled, to be separated from the world, etc.  THEN guess what?  He or she WILL be an adult of the same capacity.  This is where most parents fail.  I am truly amazed (though I should not be) when a  Christian mother or father expresses to me their concern over their child's lack of interest in spiritual matters.  The children watch 20 hours or more of television a week, much of it is unsupervised, they play Nintendo for hours a week, they have play-time with the non-Christians from down the block and their only Bible influence is church once or twice a week.  Gee, whats the problem? 
2.     The promise is just that-a full fledged guarantee from the creator of the universe!  BUT if the child grows up to be an adult that does not follow the Lord, THEN GOD DIDN'T BREAK HIS PROMISE, THE PARENTS ARE THE ONES THAT FAILED! SOMEWHERE, IN SOME WAY, THE PARENTS DIDN'T FOLLOW THROUGH ON TRAINING THE CHILD IN THE WAY THAT HE SHOULD GO!
      The evidence of proper child-training is how that person is at 15, 25, 25, and 30.  If the result is that they are worldly and care not for the things of the Bible and God, then dad and mom messed up.  God only promises that they will not depart if they have been trained correctly.
      I had an elder of a brethren assembly get quite upset at me a few years ago.  While his wife was outside asking my wife to pray for their wayward daughter (who was about thirty years of age), I respectfully was explaining Prov. 22:6 to the church leader.  To maintain honesty with the scripture I was forced to tell him that they must have not trained her properly for the Lord.  I meant no harm, but the scripture is the standard.  Naturally, he got very upset, to the point of raising his voice.  But, as many parents, he didn't want to accept responsibility.  God is faithful, my friend.  Yet, if you truly desire to see your children mature into trusting, obedient and Christ-loving adults, you also must be faithful.
      Another great and helpful passage is that of Deuteronomy 6:7, "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
      As the head of the home, it is the responsibility of the father to determine and lead in the training process.  The wife can and should assist and many times will come up with a supply of suggestions and ideas.  In fact, much of the training will probably come more naturally to the mother than to the father.  There is certainly nothing wrong or un-scriptural with that.  However the man should take the initiative and be sure that the children are being instructed.  The father can schedule Bible readings  every day after dinner, prayer with the family etc.  As a routine at bedtime, either myself or someone I direct (such as an older sister) will read the scriptures to the little ones.  I also have sword drills with them; I call out a reference and the children compete to get there first.  We also do this giving quotes from preachers from the past and they have to guess who made the statement or saying.  For my younger ones, I have a Boy's Bible Club which they greatly enjoy.  It includes a time of singing, a march, memory work, a Bible story and at times, a game.
      As a family we sing hymns together quite often, we listen to hymn music on Cd constantly, and the girls semi-regularly will play some songs for us on the organ.
      Another different approach to training is something that we would normally never have considered.  After realizing the way most childrens rooms are set up, with posters of heroes and so forth, my wife decided to paint each child's room with either scriptures, Bible type pictures, or both.  My daughters have scripture relating to women on their wall (Prov. 31, Titus 2 etc).  The boys have a picture of a Bible (with a scripture verse above it), a drawing of each part of the armor of God mentioned in Eph. 6, and a depiction of the three crosses from the crucifixion.  Josiah, at four, asks quite often about the crosses or the armor and desires to know what they mean.
      Books, used properly, can also be helpful.  Fictional reading can be enjoyable for relaxation, but too much can be a waste of time.  Very rare is the Christian fiction book that truly glorifies Christ, most are  only morally clean and some, not even that.  The normal trend is either romance or mystery/action.  Now many OLD Christian fiction authors were very spiritual and their books are of great benefit, such as Isabella Alden (Pansy) books and American Tract Society as well as In His Steps etc. I suggest that the majority of the reading in the home be Christian biographies and good study books etc.  We have numerous biographies of men such as Billy Sunday, D.L. Moody, Luther, William Tyndale, Mary Slessor, John Bunyan, George Mueller etc.
     The Word of God ought to be the center of the home and it should be the dad who makes it so.  Too often the women end up being the spiritual leaders of the home because the men will not have daily family devotions, family prayer etc.  Satan has deceived so many men with sports and business and new cars that they have lost sight of their God-given responsibilities.  Most are so concerned with other  things that they will never even begin to put into practice that they should.  Think about it.  What do the majority of children see.  Dad comes home from work, has dinner and then pops on the TV set for the rest of the night.  Seriously.  I personally know of very few men that are actually training their children for the LORD.  Men need to get with it!  No wonder our children are turning out void of any spiritual life.  Because fathers are not doing their jobs!  Listen, it was Joshua who said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  (Joshua 24:15)  Just as he made the decision, so do you fathers.  Joshua's statement was a call to action.  And notice if you will, his wife did not decide the direction of the family, he did.  God instructs the man in Ephesians 6:4, "And ye fathers...bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
      Referring back to the passage in Deuteronomy we can see the lack of fathers today.  These things are to be taught to children DILIGENTLY!  Consistently in a tireless and aggressive manner.  This is how most dads teach their boys about sports, yet this should be the way in which they are taught about the LORD!  Don't fit in a Bible story every three weeks.  Work hard at instructing them!  For a Christian their calling is not their profession.  That is simply how the Lord will provide for the needs of the family.  Your calling is to apply Deut. 6:7 Prov. 22:6, and Eph. 6:4 etc.  Diligently.  Before Josiah was four years old, he must have heard a thousand times that Jesus made the sky, the birds, the trees etc.  He would stand up and preach like daddy at three years old (in fact I built miniature pulpits for he and his brother). Talk to your children all the time, give them examples, teach them from illustrations, refer to the scriptures often.  Take a walk and tell them who made the bugs.  Then ask him so he can tell you.  That is teaching!  Some cry that it is brainwashing, but that is hogwash!  No one in the world  complains about the "brainwashing" of television. If it is windy tell your child about the story of Jesus calming the wind and the sea.  Your training will never end.
      Lastly, the greatest teacher is example.  Let your sons and daughters see you reading and studying your Bible. Let them see you pray. Be honest in personal and business matters. Show them integrity in your day to day life.  Do they witness you telling others about Christ and handing out tracts?  Do they see you cherish your wife and honor her as the weaker vessel, treating her like a queen?  Do you use curse words, smoke tobacco, or drink alcohol?  All these things are examples and example is the single most powerful teacher in the world!  And children need solid, steadfast examples if they are to have godly character and a life pleasing to he Lord.
      Men, your boys and girls are your own flesh and blood.  They are your influence on the next generation.  "Take time to be holy" as the song goes.  Care for them.  Spend much time with them.  Pray with them and for them.  You have only one chance to raise your children.  Be what they need you to be.


"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
     Prov. 22:6

"...but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil."
     Romans 16:19b

      Public school, Christian school, or homeschool.  The question is which one is more Scriptural.  Not which method of schooling is easier, or which is the less expensive, or which one is the mother better-suited for.  Much to your surprise I will get straight to the point and be very forward with you.  IF YOUR CHILD AT ANY AGE, ATTENDS A  PUBLIC SCHOOL OR NEARLY ANY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, YOU WILL BE VIOLATING PROVERBS 22:6 AS WELL AS MANY OTHERS!  You absolutely cannot train your child in the way that he should go while having him or her consistently under the influence of the ungodly! 
     Hard...yes!  True..yes!  Part of the problem with Christianity today is we think "everyone is okay."
     John brings home a friend from school, who smokes regularly and skips school about one day a week.  But he says "yes ma'am and he doesn't swear in front of you because he knows you're a Christian."  Overall though, this kid is a good kid, right?  Wrong!  Sound the discernment buzzer!  This may shock you, but your child's close friends should only be Christians and strong ones at that!  People  say, "Don't let your boy's and girl's play with the neighborhood kids?"  Not on your life!  If they did, my children would learn how to swear, take God's name in vain, smoke cigarettes, be immoral and rebel against me!  A direct violation of Scripture!  God says to train them up His way, to be not unequally yoked together with the unbelievers, to be separated from the world, to be simple (innocent) concerning evil!  GOD NEVER SAYS TO SHOW THEM BOTH SIDES AND LET THEM CHOOSE!  Funny, the "Christian" parents that disagree with me about this have the most worldly kids. Their children care more for the things of this world, than Spiritual things, they are well versed in the slang and immoral words.  And yet they want them to grow up to be separated, godly, spirit-filled men and women of God!  I get accused of sheltering my children too much.  What, so they don't learn about cussing and Batman, and rock music and filthy jokes?
     Read Romans 16:19.  God would have you to be simple when it comes to evil, what do you think He would want for your children?  So what if most of our youth are versed like merchant sailors by the age of seven.  So what if they see hundreds of murders and other violent acts on their favorite t.v. show every week.  These kids in public schools see the Batman movies before they even reach kindergarten.  At 6 and 7 they are reciting the words and by 10 and 12 they are lusting after the sleazy harlots that are on each film.  These public school children go home to a home where the name of Christ is nothing more than a cussword.  They listen to Bruce Springsteen and other immoral, fornicating "heroes".  Both the boys and the girls use language about body parts that expert biologists have never yet discovered.  The very best of this public school crowd would tell you that there is nothing wrong with fornication before marriage and sodomy is the acceptable way of life.  Getting drunk is okay and stealing is cool.   So without going any further, you tell me why your children should go to public school.  If you are saved, you will ruin your child, they will not turn out a serious, zealous Christian, living for the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
     How different are Christian schools?   Not much.  One in which I was involved years ago had teenagers hiding under the pews kissing.  The school had enrollments of youth that were kicked out of public schools for drug problems and other bad behavior.
      Let me put it this way.  Out of all the "Christian" schools that I know of there are none that I could honestly say are acceptable.  There are little, if any, standards of dress.  Girls are taught to play sports and participate in cheerleading, both with their indecent attire and the sports encouraging masculine behavior.  Worldliness is still very present in Christian schools, though less obvious in some.  Many of the youth still listen to rap and rock music, attend movies, spend hours on Nintendo, and use vulgar language.  Of course, our religious (non-Christian) rock music with its worldly beat and worldly "entertainers" has confused much of our youth (and adults) about what is Christian.
     Show me a Christian school where the teens are spirit-filled, in the Biblical sense of the word.  Where they listen to hymn music and witness for the Lord and abstain from worldly enticements.  Show me a fundamental institute that teaches the teenage girls that they should be keepers at home, and not in the work place.  I hear all the time, "But my child's school talks about the Lord and uses the Bible."  So did "The Ten Commandments" motion picture with Charlton Heston, but that did not make it Christian.
     That leaves homeschooling.  Any woman can homeschool.   Very good curriculum is available.  Our family recommends Rod and Staff publications until the higher grades. With a lot of programs, Abeka included, we discovered tales of mythology and fairy tales and unacceptable words on their spelling lists.  But even a woman who had to graduate with a GED can teach her children at home.  I get all the excuses, and usually what it comes down to is laziness on the part of the mother.  I have also gotten a few men upset because they would rather the extra income from their wife's employment than to turn out godly offspring.
     Much of our curriculum comes from the Bible itself; spelling words, essays, reading etc.  Most other  reading comes from Bible-related books, mainly biographies of many of the preachers of the past.  Presently the girls are reading a book called "Profiles in evangelism" which briefly covers 46 evangelists and missionaries, such as Hudson Taylor, Billy Sunday, Sam Jones, Peter Cartwright, Charles Finney, D.L. Moody,  George Mueller etc.  My children have also read full length biographies  on many these men, although much of this is done during their free time.  My daughter completed Pilgrim's Progress when she was 5 or 6 (not the child's version).  Having dedicated our family to the Lord, my wife and I desire to fill them as much as possible with the word of God and stories of those that lived a life of service for Him.  A Christian school will only mildly influence them, I want them to be filled.
     The biggest argument against homeschooling, is ability, the second is lack of finances.  Amiable excuses but not justified reasons.  Many women simply can't wait to get rid of Johnny and Suzy, so they can have peace and quiet.  Just don't tell me that you have dedicated your children to the Lord.  Homeschooling does take work and it does take money, just not as much as people think.
     Everything costs money. A car can cost $25,000 or $100,000.  It can also cost $500. School curriculum can cost $2000.00 a year per child. It can also cost $50.00 a year and that, without lessening the quality of of the materials.  I believe that God can and will provide for His children when they attempt to serve Him.  There have been times when the school year was beginning in two weeks and we still did not have the necessary materials.  One year when the situation was like this, we chanced upon a yard sale where we discovered a pile of unused homeschooling books, and they were the grades that we needed!  The cost-less than $10.00.  The Lord knew our hearts desire to train our children and He met the need.  This has happened over an over and over.  Any thrift store carries Arithmetic school books for a dollar a piece.  Maybe they have a page where some pre-schooler signed his name as best as he could, but it works.  The issue here is not finances, it is, do you want to train and school your children at home.  Pride can be a factor because many do not like to think of purchasing used books, having to search thrift stores and yard sales.  This has become a great family time for us.  We pray about what is needed before we go out and then allow God to work.  The children see how the LORD provides for us.  And He does.  That leads to the second factor-faith.  When finances are a genuine reason why a family thinks they cannot homeschool, they need to display faith.  Jesus said in Luke 18:8, "...nevertheless, when the son of man cometh, will he find faith on the earth?"  We have faith movements abounding on the "Christian" television stations, all over the religious radio programming and prevalent among churches, yet most will not trust Him in their day-to-day lives.  Faith is every day.  Faith is total trust.  Faith is in a person, not an emotional feeling.  God is the creator of the universe and He cares about nations and kingdoms, but He also cares for the Christian who needs gas in his automobile and food on the table.  "Cast all your care upon him, for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7).  But truly having faith in God also means sacrifice.  A family cannot exactly ask the Lord to provide for homeschooling material, yet spend the money that they have on items that are not necessity.  I have had people tell me that they did not have the money to teach their children at home, yet they possessed vcr's, new televisions, cable t.v. etc.  If you have to sell your child's $200.00 swing set to purchase homeschool books, do it.  The Lord will provide a swing set much cheaper (We got ours at no cost from a family just giving it away in the newspaper).  Your children are worth the sacrifice.  I realize that sacrifice is a word probably not found in the dictionary any more, but it is a word greatly associated with Christianity.  So money is hardly, if ever, a reason to not homeschool.
     Another drawback, many will say, is the lack of social activities with other children of the same age.  Much of this I already covered at the beginning of this chapter.  But I will add that the Lord gave my children plenty of playmates with each other.  And in most places we have lived, our children have had other friends, they have been involved in different church groups such as AWANA, a sort of boy/girl scouts.  They have had horse-riding lessons, dog obedience school for their pets, 4-h, etc.  In addition, my boys and girls have never known peer pressure.  They have never been called "four eyes" or "shorty".  They have never felt like they had to purchase $80.00 sneakers or shirts with alligators on them or sports figures, just to fit in.  In fact, if my daughters had the choice between a stylish pair of shoes for $100.00 or a decent used pair that were clean and neat, they would choose the latter.  Even if I were paying for them!  They would be the first to tell you how foolish it would be to waste that much money on something to keep your feet clean, dry and safe.  By the time my children are 4, they know not to ask for the grocery items with the cartoon character package.  In fact, they will tell you that the "picture" is only there to get kids to ask moms about buying it.  Limited social life.  No qualms about fitting in, no insecurity, no name-calling.  Sounds like a good reason to homeschool.
     Give your children what no public school or Christian academy can offer them: protection.  A truly godly atmosphere.  A willing mother who cares and who is always there, willing to sacrifice for them.  You see, this chapter isn't really about homeschooling.  It is about a choice.  It is about priorities and about love.


"But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints."

 Ephesians 5:3

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him."
  Colossians 3:17

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;"
 1 Timothy 2:9

"Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father; and the younger as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity."
1 Timothy 5:1,2

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."
Proverbs 31:10

     Today's teenagers are self-destructive.  Fourteen, fifteen and sixteen year olds are having babies at an alarming rate.  Girls have boyfriends at 11, 12, and 13.  My daughters attended a "conservative" Christian camp-meeting and they were amazed at the talk of the girls only ten years of age.  The center of discussions more then once was who had a boyfriend.  Children from birth up are present while dad and mom listen to non-Christian music that at best, endorses the world's view of relationships.  At worst, these children are hearing more about immorality and divorce on a regular basis.  Youth go to the mall to "shop"  for a companion of the opposite sex, selling themselves to look for emotional satisfaction.  Church teenagers have boy and girl friends at 14 and 15, sitting together on buses during outings, next to each other in class, etc.  These youth have the same thoughts on "dating" as the world, and these relationships often end the same way.  Confusion, confusion, confusion.
     100 years ago people did not date.  Not moral, decent people.  It was the wild uninhibited crowd that went looking for a good time that sought temporary relationships, most times for the wrong reasons.  

The man with less than honorable character was the one desiring a "friend" as he gambled, got drunk and partook of other sinful vices.  The unvirtuous women was there, putting off all restraints, to gain the  attention and favor of the man, usually who was of the character just mentioned.  
     Other men and women courted.  Courtship was designed as a tool for a man to find out if a particular women was suitable to be his wife.  The gentleman (for certainly no virtuous, decent women would have allowed any man of less character to be in her presence) went to the ladies home, where the two of them would spend time on the porch swing, inches apart mind you, and talk.  Sometimes for hours.  A woman of moral character would never have been alone with a young man inside a home.  For a long period of time, every meeting was chaperoned, as the two proceeded to get acquainted better.  Perhaps after many months and after the gentleman had proven that is what he truly was, the two would take an afternoon ride in the horse and buggy.  
     The word "court" means to give devoted attention to.  Courtship, then would be giving devoted attention to gain the favor of a young lady.  "Flirt" means to court in a trifling manner, to express devotions of love without serious intent, to play or toy with love.  

"Defraud" means to go beyond to lead someone on and back out, to deceive or trick someone into giving up a valuable possession.  And example of defrauding would be to arise wants or desires which cannot lawfully be satisfied.  Another would be to lure someone into believing you may do something, such as purchase something.  Then at the last minute you back out, defraud them.  
     With dating, in the normal sense of the word, 99%  of the boys are doing so with the intent to defraud a female.  They desire to take away their purity and chastity, and many times, do so leading them in, giving the girl the impression that they are interested in them for a long time relationship, possibly even marriage.  99% of todays teenage boys and adult men date to defraud.  Courting however, is with marriage as the only intention of the young man's heart.  Dating, especially by today's standards, nearly always leads to immoral behavior.  With adults in the 1990's, it is commonly understood that fornication is a part of the relationship.  There are not many non-married, dating couples that are together for more than two months that are not immoral in some way.  And with teenagers the statistics are not much different.

     Yet when I talk to parents about how their teen is doing, knowing they have boyfriends or girlfriends, the response is "fine, they are doing good."  "Christian" parents expect that their 16 year old  daughter will be kissed by their boyfriend and desire to be alone with him.  Once again, television has been the guide for our young people, and most "Christian" parents.  Who says a kiss is acceptable on the first date, the second date or the third date?  Who says dating is acceptable?  The world does, and the church simply follows along like it has no other guide.  Allowing your boys to "date" is throwing them to their own lusts, which we are reminded in 2 Timothy 2:22 to flee away from.  Letting your daughters "date" is tossing them out to the wolves.  I don't care how many times Richard the Lionhearted goes to church in a week.  Unless he is a definite exception to the majority, he has wrong things in mind for your little girl!  And even doesn't, dating is setting them up for moral failure!  Feelings will be brought out that should not be brought out until after marriage.
     If your daughter even desires to have a boyfriend at the age of 14, 15, 16 or 17, then you are not teaching her properly!

Listen, The Scripture tells us in 1 Timothy 2:10 that women should adorn themselves with shamefacedness.  This means a woman is to be shy, bashful and reserved.  A girl ought not to be forward.  A long-drawn out stare at a boy in Sunday School is being forward.  Approaching a young man and asking his name is being forward.  100 years ago, Christian women obeyed this passage in  Timothy, but now to do so is considered extremism.  Your average unsaved teenage, female swears, tells filthy jokes and is totally unfamiliar with with being chaste and pure.  The "Christian" girl at church is not much different.  Because they are desirous  of affection, attention and the feeling of fitting in, the  best of the "Christian" lot,  normally let down or throw away any standards that they have.  Unfortunately, home and the people in it, ought to be providing these things.
     So old fashioned as it may sound, courting, as done years ago, is the ONLY method that ought to be  practiced by Bible-believing, Christ-following Christians.  Remember the ways of God should be in complete contrast to the ways of the world.

                        BIRTH CONTROL

"Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.  As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are the children of the youth.  Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."
  Psalms 127:3-5
     "Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round abut thy table.  Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord."
    Psalms 128:3-4

     "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove that which is good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
    Romans 12:1-2
     Outside of some Mennonite type families, I have met only a handful of Christian couples that are Scriptural in their view of this subject.  Everyone else gets angry.  When Lori and I were first married, many of our "Christian" friends encouraged and counselled us to wiat a few years before having children.  Sadly, I listened.   And wrongly!
     Like most other topics covered in this book the "church" as a whole does not stand fast to the truth of the Scriptures.  In fact, I have NEVER heard a sermon or a word, about this subject from the pulpit.  What information I have acquired was from questioning pastors, friends and other Christians, and then comparing what they had to say with the  Word of God.
      The New Age Movement's philosophy is the same as those that advocate birth control.  New Agers believe that they are in control of their own fate and just about everything else.  To them, there is no ultimately, no god.  Other than self, that is. Remember, something rules the life of everyone.  For some people it sis their spouse, for some, their their job or status or money. For others, and most others, it is their own desire and will that rules them.  For a very select few it is the LORD JESUS CHRIST that is master over their lives.  However the number is far less in actuality because many PROFESS that JESUS CHRIST is their LOrd, but in their works they deny Him.  (More on this will be discussed in the final chapter of the book).
     Bible Christianity teaches that there is one God in three persons (1 John 5:7-only in the KIng James Version of the Bible).  God created the heaven, the earth, and all the things therein. The Bible is the Word of God and tells us His message ti mankind and the story of salvation through the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  God is in control of life, death, and eternal punishment,  The New Age Movement is the liberal's answer to Christianity: Man is God, man is in control.  Man is accountable mainly to himself, never to a higher being.
     The very thought behind birth control is man taking God's place in the determining if life is to be allowed.  We are speaking of life, not the decision to buy a new car or even a home.  This is, in effect, the crux of the philosophy-putting man on the center of the throne.  Think about it, the name itself loudly proclaims the New Age mentality, B-I-R-T-H C-O-N-T-R-O-L.  Man controlling  That should be utter heresy to the one that proclaims, "Jesus is Lord over my life."  At the absolute least it is an ample contradiction.  For centuries, any artificial means, such as drugs or appliances, to prevent conception was considered both immoral and illegal.  In the United States of America, the distribution of information pertaining to Birth Control was against the law a hundred years ago.  And if you get upset because I keep referring to the past, we would be better in many ways if we stuck to that old fashioned society that was the norm.  There was very little gray in life, nearly everything was good or bad.  People knew what was the wrong side of the tracks and the right side.  They didn't hem and haw about "religion"  you either had it or you didn't.  And the way you lived showed whether you did have it or not.  Now everything is mixed up.  Girls aren't feminine, they wear men's clothes, smack a baseball cap on top of their head, and play baseball.  Men wear ponytails and earrings and let their wives tell them what to do.  And people think I am strange because I believe life comes from God and man ought to stay in their place and not interfere with that.
     We live in a society where blessings and rewards are considered monetary.  The man comes home from work announcing a new pay raise and we say that God has blesses him.  The closing on the house went through and the Lord has blessed.   The wife is found to be expecting child number three-oh no!  What are we going to do, it must be a mistake!  Past a certain amount of them, children are considered a burden, not a blessing.  The truth is, EACH CHILD IS A GIFT FROM GOD! If you inherited $100,000 you would jump up and down, look up to heaven and yell a yell of thanks! Would you even dare say, "Lord, I appreciate the thought, but I reject your blessing, keep the money."   Not on your life!  Then why stop his blessing of children?  According to Genesis 17:16, Exodus 23:26 and Psalms 127:3 children are a blessing and a reward from God!  Listen, you can't tell me that you have not enjoyed the smiles of your infant, the first steps of your toddler, the playful times and funny sayings of your pre-schooler.  Yet you limit those times.  These are truly precious times.  As of this writing the Lord has blessed our family with many children and  each one has been so different and we throughly enjoy each one.
     I wonder if a child was in the Lord's plan for us in the first two years of our marriage.  It may well be that I am one child less than what the LORD intended because I listened to some "good" Christians and not the Word of God!
     In the 1940's a Christian writer wrote a book entitled, "Stopping the Stork".  In it, he took Birth Control to it's natural course and suggested that if people want to limit the size of their family, they should wait until the child is five years old, and then decide whether to take his life or not!  How foolish! Yet how much joy is never had because a husband or wife decides to prevent conception.  This is the major purpose of marriage; procreation!  Now let us examine the main reason why "Christians" (or anyone for that matter) choose to use Birth Control.
     1.   Because in their will, they do not want to submit to Jesus Christ, they desire to be Lord over their own life.  In Genesis 30 Rachel said to Jacob, "Give me children or else I die." She had bore Jacob no children as yet.  Jacobs response in verse 2, "Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee fruit of the womb?"  Jacob was literally saying, "Am I in the stead or place of God?"  Am I God to give or prevent the conception of a child?  It is the Lord's place to give life, no one else's.  And the man or woman that does so, is in essence, taking the role of God.  Birth Control is the New Age Movement, accepted and practiced by "Christians."  For a person to set themselves up as God is a dangerous thing, and that is exactly what is done when one takes the initiative, the step, to interfere with the Lord's plan of having children.
     2.   We can't afford more children.  Right.  Two televisions, two cars, two VCR's DVD players, a modest but nice home, brand name clothes, living room sets that cost $1000.00 or more.  Things are tough all over.  Buy a cheaper house, burn the television set, toss the Nintendo games in the trash, it is only destroying your children anyway.  Need I go on?
     Drive an older model car. Use grocery coupons.  Buy your furniture from the classified ads. Cut your cable cord.  Purchase your clothes at thrift stores and yard sales.  What a joke!  The problem is people want their toys, rather than a blessing from God!  Honor the Lord and allow Him to decide how many children you are to have.  If you have to sacrifice a few wants, or all of them, OBEY!  No one in the Christian world is willing to sacrifice anymore.
     Very few practice that old-fashioned doctrine called faith.  Listen to me, if you obey, the Lord will provide your needs (1 Peter 5:7).  But are you willing to give up some of your desires and conveniences?
     3.   Children are a hassle.  I would guess that you are a hassle to the Lord sometimes too.  Children are a WORK, so what you are saying is that you are too lazy.  Babies need fed, and diapers changed, and rocked to sleep.  But you would rather watch T.V. Having another baby might put a cramp in your weekend schedule.  You just can't handle three, or four or five or six little ones in your house, they would dirty the furniture.   Well that furniture is going to burn someday, and you will be standing in front of the Lord explaining  why you disobeyed His Word and did as you pleased!
     I had an elder of a church one time pull me aside and ask me to pray for his financial situation.  This man owned a house worth about three to four hundred thousand dollars and due to work cutbacks he was having difficulty paying the bills.  He probably made in the neighborhood of 100 thousand dollars a year!  Sell your house and buy one for sixty thousand dollars!  We have everything backwards friend.  Sacrifice.  Sacrifice to obey.  Sacrifice to give to the Lord.
     This whole realm reminds me of the Scripture, "...lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God" (2 Timothy 3:4b).
      Did you know the first pamphlet in America on Birth Control was written by a free-thinker (old name for liberal) named Robert Dale Owen?  The first book on the subject, encouraging the use of contraceptives, was written by Dr. Charles Knowlton in 1832.  He was  not a Christian and he adamantly opposed the Bible and the concept of Christ being the Son of God.  So whoever agrees with Birth Control is not in good company.
     Decide that you will allow Jesus Christ to truly be Lord over your life.  In every area.  Imagine having 6,7, or 8 children.  Raising them, for the Lord  "The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things: that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed."
Titus 2:3-5


     Well unfortunately, the Word of God is being blasphemed.  A lot. Most aged women today abandoned the Bible's admonition given here in Titus as the feminism movement grew.  Hence, the younger women now are ignorant of what the Lord has planned for them.  As the snowball has turned into a full-scale landslide, most "Christian" women are angered and irate when approached with this passage from the Bible.
     Go into your churches!  How many women, age 50 or older submit to their husbands? How many teach the younger women to stay at home with their children?  How many have holy behaviour?  How  many intend to teach anything?  They may not intend to, but they do teach, and that by example.
     The "aged" women of fifty years ago would not have been caught dead in church wearing pants.  Now the newly saved come on Sunday night and see every female in pants, and some even in shorts.  What is church, a party?  A beach get together?  How many pastor's wives and Sunday School teachers cut their hair to look like men?  Most of them!  Totally ignored is the Scripture in 1 Corinthians about the women's hair being her glory.  The problem is the aged woman cannot teach something they do not practice themselves.
      We can blame a lot on the men behind the pulpit.  The most sickening day of the year for sermons is on Mothers Day.
      The short-haired, independent, working outside of her home, disobedient to the Bible wife, shows up for the cushiony,  "feel good" message. Listen, mothers are a great thing.  If they obey what the Bible says.  The Scripture saith. "Whoso findeth a wife, findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord."  (Prov. 18:22)  But it also says in Prov. 21:9, "It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than wit a brawling woman in a wide house."  When is the last time on Mothers Day that you heard the preachers rebuke mothers who abandoned their children for the workplace?  Sure some might mention that the woman at home is the ideal.  That is just the cop-out.  If they do not give a standard, no one can throw stones at them.  Of course, if this were Old Testament times, that is exactly what most of them deserve (Duet. 18).  How many of our "modern" Bible teachers will stand up on this glorious day and "correct" women, both young and old, for their lack of modest dress and unsubmissive attitudes toward their husbands?  See, most do not believe the Bible and those that do are afraid to teach it.  They are more concerned with the praise of men than the praise of God.  So our churches are full of women who have no knowledge of what God says.  And it is the fault of those behind the pulpit and the women of generations ago.  We have a bunch of hand-me-down aged women who could look for themselves at what the Scripture teaches, but are too busy going to the mall or decorating their house.
      Your little girls ought to be taught from a young age about modest apparel, being chaste and holy.  By the age of seven or eight they should know that God would never have them enter the workforce.  Extreme?  Only to a society of Christians that does what it wants to.
     Our world could be tremendously affected if the older women that claim to be born-again would be what they ought to be.
      I have seen many Christian women over the age of fifty go to the tanning booths and spend foolish amounts of time and money at the hairstylist.  Some desiring to look younger wear the clothes of a teenager; jeans, or tight pants, or shorts, sweatsuits, etc.  I even know of some that wear halter tops and sport tops out in public or at their home when company is present.  Atrocious!
     What about the aged woman who looks aged and is not ashamed of it?   Ladies, invite a young wife over to your home for a cup of coffee,  Ask her if she is aware of God's plan for her?  I always hear this  "God's plan for your life."  God's plan is for you to get saved and then obey the Word of God!  People speak of His plan but then outrightly disobey what he has already said!  Don't!  Help the younger.  You live the Biblical example and then teach them the specifics.  Be there to answer questions.  Keep in close touch and make yourselves available..  But give them the truth.  Don't bend it or leave it out.  In a loving manner, instruct them.
      I was being considered as a youth pastor at a local Baptist church. The consideration was short when I informed the pastor that, in being faithful to the Bible, I would have at some time to teach the girls about modesty and being keepers at home etc.  It was then that he told me  that the LORD led his wife to be a teacher at a public school.  This "job" for her was sort of a ministry.  Well number one a "job" is not a ministry.  Number two, God did not lead her to leave her home, her husband, and her children every day to be employed  outside the home.  Perhaps her own feelings led her.  Or her love of nice things.  Maybe it was Satan?  After all, who would have wanted her to be away from home, to not be there for her children? Not God.  But the reason I KNOW that the Lord was not involved is because he would not go against his Word!  God did not "lead" the wife to be a church secretary, a paycheck did!
     I have a book from the 1940's  by a preacher named John Rice.  He was a well-known evangelist, who was widely accepted as being fundamental and truthful.  His book, "The Home" contains whole chapters devoted to the same subjects that I put forth in this book.  This book is an evidence to  the backsliding condition of our husbands and wives, our fathers and mothers, young and old.  As we have gained the "freedom" to try new things (such as women working outside the home), our families have all but disintegrated.  If you are a lady who was 20 in the 1950's, some of that ungodly feminism spirit was creeping into the church.
      Gradually as the world slipped two notches, the Christians went down one.  So we may be "better" but we are not right.  We need to get back to the bullseye and not settle for"good".
      Please, if you are what would be considered as an aged woman, do not be ashamed.  Do not stoop so low as to the makeup and the short skirts.  Realize that you are a cog in the wheel of the body of Christ.  Take your proper God-given place as an older woman and obey your instructions to teach the younger. Memorize and meditate on these passages of Titus, 1 Timothy, 1 Corinthians and Peter.  Alter your thinking to be equal with the Scriptures (Rom. 12:2), repent of your errors and begin to serve Him as He desires you to.  It is not too late. 


 "But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the Lord will hear when I call unto him."
                                                                                                                                           Psalm 4:3

     "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit."
                                                                                                                                           Ephesians 5:18

     Ah men.  How many books have been written to tell men how to love their wives, how to raise their children?  How many seminars and Sunday School lessons and special meetings?  All because most men will not pick up their Bibles, study them (2 Tim. 2:15), find out the instructions from God and obey them.  The solutions to these questions and guidelines to life are right there in that blessed book.  Yet when is the last time you gave it more time than the newspaper or the drive to work?  If the Lord came back today, would you quickly beg for more time?  If you KNEW the judgment were tomorrow, perhaps you would spend all day at the scriptures or training your children.
      Have you ever seen a genuinely godly man?  There are many men that profess to be saved.  There are many church-going men and religious men.  But when is the last time that you saw a real man of God, who lives for the Lord, who is close to the Word of God and the God who wrote it?  More than close, he is intimate?
     When you ask the average "Christian" if he is godly he will offer excuse after excuse and finally agree, that though he is saved, he is not "godly" in the true sense of the word.  Sad, but true.  I have personally spoken to many friends that profess and display some characteristics of being born-again Christians.  They blatantly and honestly admit that they do not know anyone who is truly godly.
       You see, the word "godly" literally means faithful to God and His laws (Mac Dictionary, 1977).  A common definition is also "one who is holy."  Now what does all this mean?  No doubt a man who is godly would be one who is filled with the Spirit of God and who exemplifies such in his day to day life.  A godly man would act and live in a way that would bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.  He would love the Lord with all his heart and he would allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide his life. Sin would be a painful interruption in his otherwise holy life, certainly not a constant habit.  He would find that many things acceptable to others, would be unacceptable to him.  A godly man would in essence be just that, a man after God's heart, a man who literally acts as God would act.  Not in the New Age sense of the term, that man can become God of course.  But in the scriptural way that through the indwelling power and strength of the Holy Spirit he would do just as our Lord would do.  The godly man would be humble and compassionate.  He would be truthful and a man of integrity.  He will seek to live his life in accordance with the Word of God.  There are many aspects of being a godly man, but I think you can already see why most men do not fit into this category.  Most Christian men are not godly, by their own admittance.  Why?
     Before we get to the answer, remember that my purpose is to help you.  To  bring out scriptures to you that reveal what a godly man is.  Our society, our families NEED fathers, husbands and men that are more Christ-like.  God will hold us men accountable for the fruit we produce in our home, for the spiritual condition of our wives and our children (See Joshua 24:15, Eph. 5:23).
     We must face facts friend.  America is deteriorating at such a rapid rate it is impossible to gain back all the ground that has been lost.  This transgression is due in a large part to the lack of godly men in this nation.  Our churches are full of men whose heart's have left God and are now on things of the world.  It is not just that they enjoy other things but that their affections are on those things so greatly.  Men overall, in the 1990's, are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.  Some live for financial gain; new homes, automobiles, new furniture.  Many will memorize sports schedules and statistics but not the Word of God.  Others live for the weekend and vacations.  Many also will compromise Christ in the workplace, fellowshipping with the unsaved concerning worldly things and football games, yet they will not boldly proclaim the gospel to the same people.
     I have seen it a thousand times over.  A "Christian" who listens to the wrong types of jokes, another who cusses when he hits his hand.  Some of you reading this may say, "Who are you to judge?"  You know, that remark usually comes from one whose heart is not right with God, one who is guilty.
     I am not trying to be mean, but what I say is true.  Men need to face up to their own problems.  You  cannot help a person with bad breath until you tell them their condition.  So I am here to tell you about your bad breath, so to speak.  Again, my motive is love.  But listen, IF YOU AND I AND THE CHRISTIAN MEN OF THIS NATION WOULD TRULY LIVE FOR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR WORLD WOULD BE DIFFERENT!  The reason Christianity no longer affects our society is because there is no difference between it and the unsaved world!  The reason there is no difference is because there is no godliness from the people in it's numbers.  Men are the God-ordained leaders of every institution the Lord has begun.  Just as men are to be leaders in the church, they are to be the leaders in the home.  When men left godliness behind, the women and children soon did the same.  Read the history of our country.  Men led the family in spiritual matters, often with a wife who was fully devoted to the Lord.  Children grew up KNOWING the Bible!  Sadly now there is no standard for the world to see and be influenced by.  The salt has lost it's savor (Matt. 5:13).  Interesting our Lord tells us in the same passage that when salt loses it's savor, it is good for nothing. In fact, the scripture states that it will be cast out and trodden under the foot of men.  That is where the church lies today-we do not affect the world around us.  Actually we (Christians) are trodden under the foot of men.  Christianity is ridiculed and laughed at.  Not for being godly, but because we are not real to the world, not genuine.  The average Christian at work may hold different viewpoints than the unsaved regarding abortion and matters such as that, but that is where most differences end.  Why?  Let me go into a brief lesson that should be a help to any Christian.
     This is a very basic lesson, nothing complicated.  A man becomes a Christian, he turns to the Lord.  Previously he only possessed the old nature (Gal. 2:15, John 8:44).  Now, upon salvation, he has also the new nature, but the old is still present.  The old nature is the sinful nature, that is why it is easy or natural for an unsaved man to sin.  The Holy Spirit comes to indwell at the time of salvation (Eph. 4:30).  Henceforth, there are two opposing forces in the same body.  One is the old nature with it's tendency to follow the fleshly desires, to continue in bad habits and so forth.  The new nature is the spiritual, the godly one that leans toward the holy. The scripture reads in Ephesians 5:18b " filled with the Spirit..."  You see, the Lord put this in here because He made us.  He knows that under normal  circumstances, we are not filled with the Spirit.  We have the Spirit and we are sealed with it until the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30) but we are not, by nature, filled with it.  Our body, spiritually speaking, is like a glass.  Let's say the glass is empty. It appears empty but actually it is filled with air.  The purpose of the glass is to hold something for you to drink.  So being filled only with air it is of no use for the intended purpose.  You don't put air in your glass and drink it.  The unsaved person is much like the empty glass-they are of no value, useless for the intended purpose.  Remember, man was designed to honor God and in his original state with only the old nature, he cannot serve that purpose.  A man with the new nature is like the glass that is half full with water.  That is what the glass was made for-now it is useful.  The fuller it is, the more useful it is.
     In the Christian life, both natures get fed.  The reason a man or woman is not godly is partially because he or she has fed the old nature so much that they are like a glass that contains only a few drops of water.  They possess the Spirit but they are ruled by the old nature.  Think about it.  Most Christian men might read their Bible for ten minutes a day with very little or no actual Bible study other then church.  They are in a workplace that pumps unholy music, talk shows and secular news into their  heads.  Most Christians cannot, or do not, avoid associating with unsaved men or women while at work.  For lunch they go to a restaurant that many times plays the same type of music that is heard at work.  They go home and kick on the television for one, two or three hours a night.  Which nature has been fed all day?  Listening to a preacher two or three times a week and a few minutes reading John simply does not cut it.  The spiritual side does not get fed, but rather is greatly overshadowed by the old nature.  So when a decision needs to be made or when an opinion is asked for or when emotions rise-in most cases it will be the old nature that supplies the response.  The result is an ungodly man-he overall does not follow the spiritual nature-he does not act as Christ would-because his old, fleshly nature is in control.  On the other hand, a man who limits the secular influence in his life, the one who feeds the new nature by reading much of the Word, will respond more Christlike. Why?  Because the flesh is not the controlling factor in his life.  That is why the Lord says to be "...filled with the Spirit..."  The more the Christian life is filled with the Spirit,the more of an impact he will have on society;  on his workmates, his wife, his children, his friends etc.  Every facet of his life would be affected.  The godly, Spirit-filled man will naturally have a devotion of time with his children.  He will naturally love his wife.  He will naturally witness to his lost friends and relatives.  He will naturally have his affections on the Lord and spiritually things more than the world.
     Before men gave up their headship in the home, women were submissive and followers.  Hence they have been greatly affected. Children generally turn out with much the same values as their fathers, hence they are also affected. And because Christian fathers and husbands are not Spirit-filled, they are either ineffective to their families or they lead them down the wrong path. So the blame, in all honesty, must be laid on the man, the Christian man. Think about your life.  Can you honestly say that you are Spirit-filled, that you are godly? Do you daily fill your life with much of God's Word? Does opening the Word excite you as much as something on television or a sporting event?  Do you spend much time praying for the lost around you and for your family members?  Would you rather witness to a friend or invite them over to enjoy a football game?  Do you train your children daily in the ways of the Lord and warn them of the ways of the world?  I beg you friend, godliness from you will affect the life and spiritual condition of every person in your family.
     You see, we will be looking at many different areas of life and what the Lord says about them.  These topics, a lot of them, will call for you to consider changes to be made in your life.  How you respond and if you make those changes will be influenced by how spiritual you are.
     The first change I am going to ask for friend, is, will you decide now that you need to be filled with the Spirit?  Will you be honest with yourself concerning this matter?  Make your decision now.  Your family needs you to be filled with the Spirit.  They need to evidence the Spirit ruling your life and they need to evidence Jesus Christ being the center of your affections.  Now is the time to be Godly, for the time is running out.      


 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
 2 Tim. 3:16,17

      "To the law and to the testimony: If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."
                                                                                                                                             Isaiah 8:20

     "Every word of God is pure:  He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.  Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar."
                                                                                                                                             Prov. 30:5,6

     "These are the generations of Noah:  Noah was a just man and perfect in  his generations, and Noah walked with God."
                                                                                                                                             Genesis 6:9

     Okay, are you ready for Bible college?  Go off to a room by yourself.  Yes, one without a television set.  Get only your Bible and have a seat.  Now determine right now that you will STUDY out each and every topic that we will consider.  My words, I pray, will simply be tools that may be used to help you.
      Though my intentions are sincere, the Word of God can do far more for you than any man, including myself. It is inspired, I am not (2 Tim. 3:16).  It is infallible, I am not (Prov. 30:5,6).  I am a mere human being.  Remember the Bible is "...given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."  Why?  Why do we have this book?  "That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim. 3:17).
     If you desired to be equipped as a mechanic, you would have a tool box filled tools.  If an electrician, you would have the necessary clips, screwdrivers, wire-cutters and possibly a manual.  Christian, if you really do desire to be a man of God, he has given you all that you need in His word.  True, the Spirit will empower you, but the Word gives you the necessary furnishings.
      Any psychologist, any counselor, any professor that does not line up with the Bible is being used by Satan to deceive you or hinder you.  This applies to all areas including the ones that we will cover regarding men and women and child-raising.  As the head of your home, the Lord has placed the responsibility of following His word on you.  It is your place to determine how the children will be schooled, what environment is more scriptural.  It is your position to determine if it is correct for your wife to be employed outside of the home.  Have you ever studied the Word of God on these matters?  Most have not, they allow society or wants to  dictate to them what will be done.  It is imperative, if you are going to be a man that please the Lord, that you must submit yourself to the authority of the Word of God!  If the Bible says it, you will obey it or set a realistic goal to be in submission to it.  Before you go on, you must agree to read, study and submit to what the Lord is teaching you in His Word.
    Now, Bible has been given that we may be reproved, corrected and instructed.  In today's  society, most believers only think of the Word as encouraging or enlightening, but it is far more than just that.
      Much of this may appear negative, but it is actually positive.  If my two year old son is about to stick his wet fingers into an electrical outlet and I tell him, "No, do not do that"  It is for his own good.  While it was corrective, it was actually a positive message that contained a warning of fact or truth.  Just the same, when the Lord says to abstain from this or stay away from that, He has reasons for it.  He wants to keep you from something that in the end, could harm you or do you damage.  Most of our laws act upon this same precept.  "Why can't I drive 95 miles an hour on the suburban street."  Because if you lose control of your vehicle, you have a far greater chance of coming out in little pieces or hurting someone else.  And yes, this too is positive.  The local government is telling you that you can enjoy driving at any speed, as long as it does not exceed the safety limits that they have set down.  So, when for example, the scripture reads, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" God put it in there for your benefit.  He knows that other gods will cause you to give them honor and glory, which will in turn, result in you being judged by God. The Bible tells us over and over not to lust in the moral sense of the word.  Why?  The Lord is simply desiring to protect us from the results that lust bring forth; immoral thoughts and actions, lies, deceit, possibly divorce, as well as guilt.  God does not sit on his throne, just waiting for the believer to fall so that He may send a rain of terror and judgement to the individual.  But He does not want the Christian to sin.  God the Father sent His Son to die, that He Might deliver us from our sin.  Sure our sin has been dealt with as far as salvation, but the Lord would like to see His children stay as far away from sin as possible.  One main reason that we have the Bible is that we can obey it and escape the pitfall that lead to sin.  The path continues downward to confusion, lack of fellowship with Him and again, chastisement.
     Now, as we mentioned earlier, one reason that we have this Bible is that we may be "perfect."  Well, no one can be perfect, so what does this verse mean in 2 Timothy 3:17?  According to the Macmillan School Dictionary, 1977, perfect means 1.  Free from any defect or imperfection 2.  Faultless 3.  Fully developed, complete etc.
     What the Lord is attempting to teach us through the words of the Apostle Paul here in 2 Timothy 3:16 and 17  is that, if you and I take the Word of God and allow it to correct, teach, reprove and instruct us, then we can be "perfected."  If and only if we allow this to happen.  You see, the Word is only PROFITABLE when it TEACHES US (doctrine), when it REPROVES US (reproof), when it CORRECTS US and when it INSTRUCTS US IN RIGHTEOUSNESS!  In other words, if you apply the Bible in these areas, you will be complete in the scriptural sense of the word.  But I believe that the Lord also intends that you can be faultless and free of any defects.  Perfect, mean no sin -NO!  But overall living a life that is righteous.  And either all or nearly all of your life being in line with the Word of God.
     The epistles instruct us concerning perfection in Colossians 1:28 where Paul stated that he desired to present every man "perfect" in Christ Jesus.  Epaphras prayed in Colossians 4:12 that the believers there would stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.  Paul also wished the perfection of the Corinthians (2 Cor. 13:9) and even told then to be "perfect."  (See 2 Cor. 13:11)  This sounds very similar to the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:48, does it not?
     In Ephesians we find that one reason God gave the gift of pastors and teachers is for the "perfecting" of the saints (4:11,12).  You see friend, you will never be perfect, meaning totally without sin, but the Lord desires that you strive towards a goal of being as consistently sinless as possible and that you live as righteous as possible!  That is why over and over we are told to be "perfect" and why we are told about the "perfecting" of the saints.  Paul even said, "Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect..."  (Phil. 3:12).  Now listen to his words, "But I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus."  What is Paul saying?  That even though he was not yet reached the point of being totally complete and free from imperfections, he would strive towards that goal!  Remember his often-recorded, "I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ" (Phil. 3:14). 
     Noah was a just man and perfect.  Certainly he was not sinless.  But obviously he lived a holy, godly, righteous life that contained very little sin.  If a man were asked to describe Noah, more then likely he would have identified him as being a man that walked with God.
     I believe that America has seen men who were righteous and who have been just and perfect as Noah was.  D.L. Moody would, to me, be a man who fit the qualifications.  Moody's life revolved around Lord Jesus Christ.  Any man or woman that knew him, even just made his acquaintance, would  have testified of his holy and righteous demeanor.  Many did, as you can discover if you read books about his life.  Again, not that Moody was sinless, but that his life was overall one of righteousness.  Moody did what many men do not; they allowed their life to literally be molded by the Word of God.  Mix this with a pure, compassionate love for God and the yielding completely to the Holy Spirit of God and you have a dynamic man!
     The perfection that Paul is speaking of, that the Spirit lead him to write is a lifestyle where sin does not rule and is such a rare occurrence, to an onlooker said person would appear to be sinless.  That is what the Lord desires of you, that you are so holy and set apart for Him, that to friends, family and co-workers you give the impression of being very close to God and very distant to sin.  Remember the Lord gave us pastors and teachers to assist us in working towards perfection and completion.
    They should be instructing us until the final perfection that will occur when we are finally with the Lord (Eph. 4:13, 1 John 3:2).
     Now take a moment to swallow all of this and then reconsider the importance of the Word of God in your life.  What a contrast this is compared to the mainstream thought in much of Christianity today that says, "It matters not how I live, or what I do, I am forgiven."  Such a one should surely examine himself regarding his salvation.  Are you aware that the same basic idea of being righteous, faultless, and complete are in the prerequisites for Bishops and Elders in Timothy and Titus.  Is any man without blame?  Certainly not, that would be against scripture, "For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth not" (Eccl 7:20).  But the man that lives by and according to the Word of God, conforming his life to it, despite denominational or previous beliefs, will be a man fulfilling, displaying evidencing righteousness.  Again sin will merely be an interruption in his life of godliness.  This is not heresy friend, this is Bible Christianity to it's fullest extent.  Charles Finney, great evangelist of the past taught that a life could be ruled by righteousness. Charles Finney, like Moody allowed the Bible to be more than just a general guide, it permeated his very being.  He sought out what the Lord taught about nearly everything.  That is the relationship that a man MUST have if he is to attempt this effort towards being "perfect" and just.  Imagine desiring to be all you can for God, but stopping halfway because a certain teaching mean that you had to change something in your life that meant too much to you?  That is why D.L. Moody did what he did for God.  One time he heard a preacher state, "What God could do with a man who totally lived for Him."  Moody answered, "I will be that man."
     Are you ready to be a man of God?  Will you allow the Bible to teach, correct, reprove and instruct you or will succumb to the ways of tradition, to the ways that might seem easier?  Once you decide to go on with God and submit to His Word's authority you have met the second challenge.  Just imagine knowing of nothing in your life that was unscriptural.  If, to the best of your ability, you were obedient in every area you know of.  If you had searched out the scriptures, discovered how the Lord wanted you to live and then obeyed.  That is a man who is complete, just and perfect.  THAT is what YOU could be!         


 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
                                                                                                                                      2 Chron. 7:14

      "...Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgression; so iniquity shall not be your ruin."
                                                                                                                                       Ezekiel 18:30b

     "...I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.  I will set no wicked thing before my eyes:  I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me."
                                                                                                                                       Psalm 101:2b, 3a

     "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.  Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with his whole heart."
                                                                                                                                        Psalm 119:1,2

     "With my whole heart I have sought thee:"
                                                                                                                                        Psalm 119:10a

     If you are serious about being godly, and filled with the Spirit and about aligning yourself up with the Word of God, then I have a formula for you.  If you have another that you feel will be more effective please use it.  I am not out to sell Get-Right-with-God prescriptions.  That is on the Christian television network.  I offer no scripture keychains or "blessing" cloths.  These are ridiculous gimmicks that false teachers use to get money from your pocket into theirs.  More on that foolishness in my next book.  For now, here are some directions, so to speak.  I warn you; they will not be easy for the modern day 20th century Christian.
1.  Clean House: Confession of Sin
     Confess and forsake any know sin.  Any sin.  Think of sin according to the scriptures and not according to the world.  You may not have murdered anyone, but have you gossiped?  Have you been ungrateful or unthankful?  What  about unloving?  We all are aware adultery is a sin, but when is the last time you committed adultery in your heart?  Lust.  Times when you had immoral thoughts or desires for a woman other than your wife?  Have you seen a magazine cover or billboard and "wished" that your wife looked like the woman on it?
    If so then at the very least, you are guilty of unthankfulness.  The counselors today tell us, "a little affair, a little adultery is healthy for your relationship, good for your marriage."  But according to Matthew 5:28 if you have lusted in your heart, it is the same as committing the act.  Jesus Christ said so and He is the one before whom you will stand for judgement, not some $100 an hour, full-of-pride, doomed-for-hell philosopher.  Listen, caring more for the things of this world then the things of God is sin, because it is in direct contrast to the instructions that he gave you in his word (Col. 3:14).  Not studying God's Word will leave you ashamed and in a state of disobedience, because He commanded you to study it in 2 Timothy 2:15.  Wasting endless hours, or even a few, can easily be sinful watching your favorite sports game on the idiot box.  God commands Christians to be "Redeeming the times because the days are evil" in Ephesians 5:16.  Yet millions who profess Jesus Christ is their Lord will spend much of their free time idolizing these overpaid, never-grown-up "adults" pass a ball around in a muddy field.  Picky, you say.  God wants your all on the alter, nothing held back.
     People profess to follow Christ, yet they will not pray more then the time they allot themselves for their own pleasure.  Talk about sin.  It is said that James the Apostles knees were literally worn to rags because he spent so much of his time in communication with his God.  One thing about those old apostles, as well as men like Moody, Billy Sunday, Spurgeon, Charles Finney and Hudson Taylor they-prayed!  And it wasn't for a new television set or a new car, I guarantee it!  No wonder we have little action in the Christian realm in the 1990's, we have no men given to prayer.  They are to busy with the baseball games and the football games and the boats on the lake.  Talk about confusing and forsaking sin!  Does not the scripture command us to pray without ceasing?  We are also given numerous examples of the relationship between the godly man and prayer (David, Ezra, Nehemiah, Elijah, Peter, Paul etc.)  What about the great awakenings that have occurred in the last three hundred years in America and England?  A testimony from each man involved would greatly reveal that but for much prayer, there would have been NO POWER FROM GOD displayed!  Perhaps that is why we see no revivals today, Christian man!
     NO PRAYER!  NO REAL FERVENT PRAYERS OF FAITH!  Forget this hogwash on the "religious" Television stations, I am talking about prayers of repentance, and prayers desiring righteous judgement from a Holy God!  But no.  The church down the block has prayer suppers".  Sickening to a Holy God that is surely sorely displeased by the ways of our "Christianity."  Forsake the sin of a wicked prayer life.  The list of sins that man commits inn our society as we near 2000 is abominable!  And sad to say, many sin and do not realize it is sin, for they have so little knowledge of the holiness of God.  Listen friend, have you been irresponsible when it comes to helping those in need, according to Ephesians 4:28?  Read the passage, for that is the very reason that the Lord gave many occupations.  Are you sinning in your Bible reading?  Do you not read at all, a few times a week or are you one of the choice Christians that actually spends 10 minutes a day in God's word?  Sarcastic?  No, realistic.  Most will read a book or turn on the television set for an hour a night, but ask them to read the Bible for an hour-they will throw you out of the house.
     Are you guilty of being proud and not humble?  Repent!  Do you hold a grudge against anyone, Christian or otherwise?  Repent!  Have you stolen from another?  Some get into debt and have trouble repaying, others steal and the Lord knows the heart of those involved.  Do you serve the Lord?  Do you witness or minister to those that need ministering?  Are you loving to your spouse and children?  Perhaps I should ask them.  The list goes on and if you really care you will ask God, beg Him even, to reveal to you ANY sin!  There are other things not mentioned that the Lord may have revealed to your heart.  Repent!  "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."  (James 4:17)  If you know it is good to read and pray and witness and help the needy and love others and be humble etc.  Then it is sin if you do not do them!  SIN!  NOT A "PROBLEM" A SIN!  That is Bible!
      Brother, get alone and be honest with yourself.  Write down every sin that you ever committed since you were converted to Christ.  Do the best that you can and then ask the Lord to bring more sins to your recollection.  "Search me, o God and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts:  And see if there be any wicked way in me..."  (Ps. 139:24a)
     Then meditate upon what God's opinion is about your offenses.  Think about the cold, hard nails being driven angrily into His hands because of your transgressions.  Even ask the Lord to help you weep over your sin.  Our people, men and women, are so insensitive and calloused.  Give heed-we are  forgiven of our sins when we come to Christ in faith, fully understanding the substitutionary death on the cross.  But God does not desire that you live in sin-He wants you to be in opposition to sin!  An attitude that says, "I am a man of unclean lips" (Isaiah 6:5) and "God, be merciful to me a sinner" (Luke  16:13b) is the one that evidences conviction of sin and the holiness of the Lord.
     After you have created this list, individually confess these sins to God and tell Him that it is no longer your will that you commit these actions again.  This is called forsaking.  In the Old Testament when a man forsook the Lord, he turned away from the Lord.  Here you will be forsaking, turning away from these sins, desiring that they be put away from you.  Simple heartfelt repentance.
     Only when true repentance is accomplished can a man or woman begin to experience wonderful, genuine fellowship with God.
     "How can two walk together, except they be agreed" (Amos 3:3) God says that he will bless the man who is set apart from unrighteousness as much as possible.
2.  Have a heart after God.
     Brother, where is your heart?  In an age where the heart of men is on everything BUT God, where is your heart?  The fact is, YOU CANNOT BE A MAN OF GOD UNTIL YOU FULLY DESIRE TO BE A MAN AFTER GOD'S HEART!  A man whose strongest, innermost passion is to please his God.  Listen reader.  we just learned from 2 Timothy that you can live righteously and that God desires you to be "perfect" and "just."  We revealed that this can only occur when you allow the Bible to be the carving knife of your life.  But first must come your desire!  And  it must be yours. Not you wife's, not your children's, not the desire of your best friend or your pastor.  IT must be your desire.  I have already made reference to the statement by D.L. Moody and I have heard it hundreds of times.  Yet, how extremely rarely do I see a man completely after God's heart.  A man whose every decision, every action, is ruled by the Lord Jesus Christ.
     You and only you can determine what kind of a man you will be.  The Lord will not come down to you from heaven and command you how to live, He has already told you in His Word.  "I beseech you  therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1).  "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all to the glory of God" (col. 3:17a).  "Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children" (Eph. 5:1)  And the list goes on.
     "But how" you ask, "Can I be filled with the Spirit and live right?"  Men, take a moment and remember when you had so desired the affections of the lady that is now your wife.  Most likely you spent endless hours of effort, time and money to win her over.  No doubt, you thought of her nearly every waking moment.  You wore nice clean clothes (yes, you), you combed your, wore after shave etc.  IN MUCH THE SAME WAY, THE LORD WANTS NOW TO BE THE CENTER OF YOUR AFFECTION!  It is this driving desire that made David in the Old Testament the man of God that he was.  Sure, David sinned terribly, but outside of that time of rebelliousness David was a man after God's heart, he lived to please God.
     "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will" (Acts 13:22b).  This is evident from David's own writings, "With my whole heart have I sought thee" (Psalm 119:10a)  In Psalm 119 alone you can see how great David's love was for the the Lord and His Word.  They had an intimate fellowship.  God gave the law to be walked in, David spoke of the blessing of walking in that law (Psalm 119:1).  That is what it is all about!  David's heart; his mind, will and intellect were conformed to God's character.  This resulted in David's attitude lining up with God's attitude.  Over and over you will see examples of this.  When a man lives for God above all else, his thoughts, ways and opinions will be that of God's.  In that desire is the key to holiness, purity and living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.  First John mentions a similar process of the believer that has the hope of the returning of Christ.  "And every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself" (1 John 3:3)  David refers to the man who seeks Him with the whole heart,  "They also do no iniquity: they walk in His ways" (Psalm 119:3).  I understand that David was thinking of the Mosiac law given to Israel, and that we are no longer under the law.
     However the principle is still the same.  Paul was obviously a man after the Lord's heart, Peter had more heart and zeal than most.  And let us not forget king Josiah, "And  like unto him was no king before him, that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul and with all his might" (2 Kings 22:25a) WITH ALL THESE MEN AND MANY OTHERS, IT WAS THEIR LOVE FOR GOD THAT BROUGHT IN THEM THE DESIRE TO BE COMPLETELY CONFORMED TO HIM!  Do you truly love Him, Christian?  Do you desire him as you would water in a dry land?  It is time to stop playing game.  Are you afraid that getting right with God may mean leaving behind some worldly pleasures or treasure?  Something you perhaps, are not willing to give up.  Remember the rich young ruler, The Lord saw right through him.  He was out to impress the Lord, it seems.  But he would not give up what was dearest to his heart.  What is your treasure friend, the obstacle between you and your God?  The one thing that prevents you from fully surrendering to Him?  For me it was television.  I knew it was no good, I knew it dragged me away from the Lord.  Only after it was gone from my life completely did my closeness to the Lord increase.
     I firmly believe that many men could really be something for God if they understood what it truly meant to forsake all and follow Him.  Romans 12:1 tells us, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service."  Your reasonable, expected service to God is to be your all, as if you were an animal laid out for an Old Testament sacrifice.  That animal did not just give it's legs or it's head.  ALL of it was sacrificed!  The only difference is the Lord wants you to WILLINGLY give yourself to him.  Hebrews 12:1 reads, "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, LET US LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT, AND THE SIN which doeth so easily beset us,..."  First, the man after God's heart will surely put aside his sin as a great influence in his life.  Second, the man will put away those things that hold him back from being his all for God.  I didn't say it, the scriptures did.  Many men of God will tell you that before they were really used of God, they had to rid their life of something that either took their affections, their time or their money.  What would our communities and families be like if men truly worshiped God, with no idols or hindrances in their path?
     I am not saying that a man cannot have fun or enjoy things.  The scripture tells us that God "...giveth us richly all things to enjoy;" in 1 Timothy 6:17b.  Can you truly, with a clear conscience, according to Romans 14 and other passages, enjoy a particular event or activity?  If so, then enjoy it.  I enjoy bike rides with family and cookouts.  We relax by going to parks, taking walks, playing games, playing our musical instruments, making crafts and many other things.  Sometimes we have family circus's and pet shows and doll and bear shows.  One of my favorite activities with the boys is to build something.  Together we have built loft beds, bookcases, display selves, two forts, preaching pulpits for myself and both boys.  We have done numerous repairs around the house, always with one or both of the boys assisting (they each have their own tool box, with real tape measures and real tools).  we have performed floor repairs, toilet repairs and worked many times on the plumbing throughout the house, fixed leaks.  another time spender with the boys (ages 2 and 4) is model-making.  They have a collection of models that we have put together, many are old ones from yard sales.  And during all of these activities the family is conversing and having fun.  and almost always hymns are either played or being sung.
     Many of the things a traditional family does I would have a hard time justifying, according to passages like Romans 14, Deuteronomy 6:7, Ephesians 5:16, Colossians 3:17 among others.  Many of those traditional activities that I have done.  As I grew in the Lord I realized that he had created me for His glory and that the Holy Spirit would lead me into "acceptable" and good things.  However He would also convict me of things that were purely a waste of time, things that were vanity and things that hurt or hindered me.  I stopped going to the gym because of the way many people were dressed, because of the time that I could have spent doing profitable things.  The Lord just did not want me there!  As a Christian I did not fit in.  This is much like what occurred to me after I first got saved 17 years ago.  I walked into a bar, which was where I had spent much of my free time during those unsaved years, and I HAD to leave.  I could not stay.  The presence of the Holy Spirit of God was so overpowering that it was as if a large, black could was hovering over me.  I left.
     You see what the Lord desires is that you see things from his perspective.  That will change your life and it should change your heart.
     Do you want to be the best husband you can be?  How about the best father to your children?  Do you to be effective for God in the workplace or community?  The man who is after God's heart will train his children in the things of the Lord, spending much time with them.  He will love his wife, which means divorce and adultery would never enter his mind.  That man would open her door and treat her like a queen.  He would have a home that, unlike most around him, would ring out with the presence of God.  A man of God would be honest in everything.  He wouldn't steal from the office or lie on his paperwork.  This man would pray without ceasing and be found by his children curled up with God's word, and not a worldly paper back novel or a remote control.  Out of his lips would be heard the praises of God, not joyful glee over a sports game or vain praise of his fancy new car.  Instead of hurtful gossip, this man would warn others about the judgement to come and bear the good news of Jesus Christ and the way of salvation.
     This would be a complete man, a man who loves the law of the Lord and loves the Lord who made it.  Tis is your final challenge.  Friend, if you confess and forsake your sin, lay aside any weight or hindrances and become a man after God's heart, everything else will fall into place.                                

How Satan is Using Baptist Churches to Destroy Our Youth-Youth Groups

Much of the material that would be true concerning SS's would be true here. But in most youth groups, the problems become magnified.
1. Peers becoming a strong and sometimes, the primary influence on the young person.
How true this is and we have seen it numerous times. Little by little the parents become less influential and they are replaced by the peers of the child. And usually, and due partially to the error of the churches to "bring everybody in" the influences of those peers is not good. Most youth groups are made up of young people that are either not saved or carnal. Though there are exceptions to that, they are just that-exceptions! Kids will learn of the world, that you as a Christian parent should control their knowledge of, and you will be unable to do so if you allow them to be in a youth group. A good friend of mine, when approached by his pastor about starting a youth group, stated to the the pastor that a youth group was fine, but only if he was always present with his children-that killed the idea of the youth group. Listen, MANY young people in our churches are worldly, carnal, unsaved etc. and any parent would be a FOOL to habitually let them under those influences. We have seen results of this over and over-the heart of the young person changes, they become more worldly and less spiritual etc. And if you are thinking that your child will influence the others for Christ and NOT be influenced by them, then perhaps you think to highly of your son or daughter. Surely there are some that will not allow themselves to be influenced but that is not the norm. And this idea of bringing in the youth to get them the gospel is unscriptural and as already stated, damaging to the Christian young people whose parents attend the church (of course many in that category are unsaved, worldly etc.) The church is supposed to be God's people meeting together, not a soul-winning booth. And not understanding this has done great harm to the purity and scripturalness of churches today. Biblically we should witness to the lost in their homes etc. and IF they come to Christ, THEN they should be invited to assemble with the believers. This is evident by the word itself, which means a "called out assembly" and historically you only see this "invite the lost to church" philosophy for about the last 100 years, if that. In the scriptures you see that an unbeliever meeting with God's people was the exception, not the norm (See 1 Cor. 14:23). So what has happened in the last few years is that LOST and WORLDLY people, including young people within the youth groups, have PERMEATED our churches, INFLUENCED the saved to their own hurt, and WEAKENED the purity of the local assembly. Now some might say, "What if our youth group is made up of ONLY church kids?" Again, this changes NOTHING. Are all those children SPIRITUAL? Is there a spirit of Godliness and Holiness in the group? Are there enough GODLY leaders to know EVERYTHING that is going on? Listen, I have seen the youth that make up the youth groups in many churches. Overall they are WORLDLY! The "cool" guys, the "unchaste" girls etc. the talk is more of the world, the recent movies, the rock music etc. than spiritual matters. Again, there may be exceptions, but these things are nothing but natural results of children being left to themselves! I KNOW that perhaps your child is different and spiritual and has a right heart-but then WHY put him/her in an environment habitually that can hinder that! We quote the prayer, "...lead us not into temptation..." but then we as parents put our children in a place where they will be tempted by their peers to love the world, develop ungodly attitudes etc. WRONG! WHY NOT KEEP THEM WITH YOU DAD AND MOM AND MAKE THAT BOND STRONGER BETWEEN YOU!
2. The opposite sex
This is a big one brethren. Flirting, indecency, "giving the eyes", sensual moves, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc. YOUR CHILDREN NEED NONE OF THIS! This worlds mentality has become the norm for our churches. They WILL be approached by these things in a youth group! Your children NEVER need a girlfriend or boyfriend! Your daughter should not be in a position where she has to deal with a flirtatious punk, neither does your son need to be tempted by a teenage girl who is not chaste and pure. I have seen some in the youth groups that are closer to the strange woman of Proverbs than to that of a godly young lady! While there again may be exceptions to this, WHY TAKE A CHANCE WITH YOUR CHILDREN, who you are SUPPOSED TO BE DISCIPLING for Christ! Dad and mom should be the ones to teach their children about the opposite sex, temptation and how to deal with it etc. and during this very important time in their life it is very unwise to habitually put them in a position where they will face these issues and not have you with them! AMEN!
3. What is the Purpose of the Youth Group? I was asked years ago to be a youth pastor. When they inquired about what I would teach them, what I would do etc. I explained that, though we would have some fun, my main purpose would be to teach them Bible Christianity and this would include scriptural roles for the boys and girls. Since this included the teachings of the "woman at home" etc. they went ballistic! I would scare them away from coming! You see, the purpose of tis church was to BUILD the youth group, the bring in more NUMBERS, NOT TO TEACH THE BIBLE! Certainly it is good and healthy for young people to have fun, but that should NOT be our goal. However if our motive is to BRING IN MORE PEOPLE, then FUN becomes the focus, and that my friend is ERROR! Recently at a camp meeting we went to in upstate NY, there were many families present from different parts of the country. Though there may have been some mild variations, all believed in modest apparel, homeschooling etc. The youth did play games but did so in a modest way. For example if they playing volleyball, there was no mixing of the sexes on the same team. The goal in the meeting was for youth and adults alike to be TAUGHT the scriptures, challenged in their Christian life etc. Families sat TOGETHER, it was not children from two, three or four families sitting together apart from their parents! This meeting lasted about a week and I personally noticed NO flirtation, NO immodesty etc. that would be a temptation or a stumbling block to my children-AMEN! Brethren, If you have the right motive for a meeting, the parents will be welcome and the purpose will be to train the youth biblically. But todays youth groups are overall very carnal and FUN is the motive and supposedly a TOOL to bring in the lost, which I have covered already. Interesting thing is brethren that almost ALWAYS, when the fun is gone, the treat, the reward etc. then so are they! This is true also for churches that "bring 'em in with a race car driver, worldly speaker" etc. When the FUN leaves and serious Bible comes in-off goes the one who was only there for the candy or treat!
I realize that this post is long and again, I hope that it will be a blessing to many.

How Satan Is Using Baptist Churches to Help Destroy Our Youth

the preacher

How Satan is Using Baptist Churches to Destroy Our Youth!

How Satan is Using Baptist Churches to Destroy Our Youth
Years ago I drove nearly three hours to Haines City, Fl. to hear a particular preacher speak. We went the distance because it was understood that this Pastor was a good preacher and had much to offer. Upon entering the church with our family of four at the time, we were instantly stopped by a security guard (usher) who informed us that our children under the age of four could not sit in the services and they MUST go to the nursery. Also I was told that my wife was not allowed in the nursery. Now as much as I desired to hear this pastor, I was not going to break our conviction that the family stay together during services. As we prepared to go back to our vehicle, the guard was in awe that we were not willing to comply with their regulation so that we could hear...the preacher! I inquired to the gentleman if this was a King James Bible-believing church to which he quickly replied that it was. Then I sternly asked him to show m where in the BIBLE is it FORBIDDEN for the children to be with their parents during preaching services. HE COULD NOT SHOW ME! Listen brethren, the devil is doing a great work IN OUR CHURCHES today and destroying and corrupting our youth as he works! The CHURCH is NOT God's primary tool for training children-the parent's are! Prov. 22:6, Deut. 6 etc. is written to PARENTS, not an institution! The church should be a SUPPORT of what is scripturally taught at home, but unfortunately the church is normally a HINDRANCE to raising Godly children. As well, a child's PEERS are not to be the major influence, but the parents are. Mal 4:6 does not read, "...the heart of the children to the.." PEERS, but to their fathers.
Think about it brethren, who would desire to see the family split up? Certainly not the Lord. As families grow further apart in our country and among "Christianity" parents and children ought to be together as much as possible for various reasons including creating a stronger bond between family members and being sure of influences around the youth. Now some might STUPIDLY state, "Do you all sleep in the same bedroom" or "Do you go anywhere apart from each other?" That is sheer stupidity friend. The point is that taking children of any age constantly away from the parents is a great danger, it will HINDER a strong bond and it opens up doors for wrong influences.
The general trend in our churches today is 1. The nursery 2. Segregated Sunday School 3. Junior Church 4. Youth Groups 5. Teen Camps 6. Special Activities such as sleepovers, movies etc. Normally, these are very dangerous to the spiritual growth of our youth and over the next few weeks I will explain why and I will include many scriptures.
Hello Again Friends, I would like to continue with my series on the above subject, this time covering segregated Sunday Schools. Now before we begin, let me make it clear that my two main points in dealing with this issue is 1. That overall, Satan is doing a great work influencing our youth for evil and for worldliness through the normal SS movement. I will detail more of this in the present post. 2. The pastor needs to give liberty to parents to do as they see best for their family and their children. If a pastor does not allow this, parents with convictions on the matter will be forced to choose between the "church traditions and rules" and their personal convictions. This is where the normal Baptist church becomes a hindrance to those that desire to follow Christ more closely.
How the Devil Uses Segregated Sunday Schools To help Destroy our Youth
1. By separating the family. The same scriptures that I gave concerning nurseries would be applicable here. There are MANY passages that we see in the OT where families met together and this included infants and children. Historically we also have NO evidence that families split apart during services until the time of Sunday Schools, which as best I can tell began in the late 1800's in the USA. In England, SS's date all the way back to about 1780 where they began as a way to teach the Bible to the poor and to give an alternative to rowdy behaviour of youth at the time.
2. By separating the family, the parents are unable to be present to hear what is being taught to their children. This concept of just trusting anyone to train our children is hogwash. And just because it is a pastor, youth pastor, a veteran SS teacher etc. means NOTHING to me! Listen, it is a FACT, that many of the above spend more time watching the TV set than studying the scriptures and few have any discernment and even less have a godly walk. While I may sound too critical for some, I have been in hundreds of churches that desire to "take" my children during the SS hour and I see both the teacher and the other students (that I will cover in my next point). Listen, I have learned what I have learned from experience. In one SS class when my two older daughters were younger, they came out with A PICTURE OF THE GOLDEN CALF THAT THEY DECORATED AS PART OF THE SS LESSON! When the parents are with the children, they can be aware of what the children are being taught and make corrections after the message if necessary. Out of all the hundreds of churches we have visited and many that we are in regularly, there are few where I know the teachers well enough that I would trust them. I say that, not out of self-righteousness, but out of carefulness for what my children will be taught.
3. By separating the family, your children will NORMALLY be with unsaved children, worldly children and children will little or no standards, which potentially can INFLUENCE them. PEERS CAN QUICKLY BECOME THE MOST POWERFUL INFLUENCE ON YOUR CHILDREN, WHICH REPLACES WHO THE LORD DESIRES TO HAVE THAT PLACE, WHICH IS THE PARENTS! If a child is to routinely be interacting with other children, it should be under the watchful eye of one or both parents! YOUR CHILDREN, ESPECIALLY AT YOUNGER AGES, WILL GET THEIR VIEW OF CHRISTIANITY FROM OTHERS THAT PROFESS CHRIST, AS WELL AS FROM DAD AND MOM, AND THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! If the "professing" Christian at 7, 10, 12, 14 etc. loves the world, speaking of movies, worldly music, Tv etc. your child will get the impression that to do so is NORMAL Christianity! If they are vulgar, crude or cuss (which I have heard from those as young as six years old), then that behaviour can cause your little boy or girl to think that such actions are acceptable for the Christian. Look at 1 Cor. 15:33, "Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners." Even if a child has good manners, EVIL COMMUNICATIONS WILL corrupt them! The scripture does not even read, "might" or "could possibly" could corrupt them, but the implication here is that, it WILL corrupt them! The Lord knows what he is speaking of brethren, this is not a little matter! Be it your child being influenced in the areas I just briefly mentioned, or things such as manners (using worldly words, picking their nose, burping, treatment and attitude concerning girls, etc.) these things ought to be prevented and proper biblical instruction given concerning these issues! Placing your children among those that can influence them, that are worldly, unsaved etc. is DANGEROUS, UNSCRIPTURAL (Jer. 10:1,2, Prov. 4:14 etc.) and FOOLISH!
4. The standards of the teacher. Are they likeminded on dress standards, view of the world etc.
Though there are other things to delve into, I believe this covers the major problems, but I would like to add an important point.
Your children will be under influences other than what we, as parents, would like. But we should attempt to minimize this as much as possible. We have allowed our children to attend SS's, but rarely. These are environments where the aforementioned issues are not problems, such as when we are at our home church, our friend's church in Enterprise, Al. and a few others. Where there is a difference in the children, where there is a teacher that is biblical and can be trusted, and that is NOT the case with the normal Baptist church. But there are exceptions and the parent should have the freedom to decide what the Lord would have for their family and children, not be coerced by the pastor and church tradition. There may be churches that I visit where these issues may not be a problem, but If I do not KNOW that, I will not have my children in the SS class and our conviction is to regularly have our children with us so that we can hear and discuss a message together.
I sincerely hope that this has been a help.

1 comment:

  1. I think this isn't your being rude intentionally, but all caps is considered shouting online. I wanted to read the part about wives, but I could not because I felt yelled at (and the font is difficult). Perhaps changing that would profit.
