Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanks to Sources!

Just a note of thanks to the individuals that I have utilized for source materials.  There is MUCH documentation from brethren from ages past but I have also taken from many associates, friends and ministries of today that are scriptural regarding certain issues.  Some of these I know personally and a select few are persons that I have met over social networks such as facebook, youtube etc.  Some of these have materials available on publick websites, others have teaching videos over the social networks and yet others have written books, tracts and pamphlets on some of the subjects involved.  Please keep in mind that despite using these sources, I have not in any way ONLY gathered information from others.  These individuals, though not requesting anonymity, I will not mention by name.  As well, there is no denominational slant to these views, so anyone hoping that their church creed or religious affiliation would be glorified on this site, will be sadly disappointed. May the Lord and His Word be glorified as the True Biblical Church Website seeks to do what many have failed and tried, and that is to provide the answer to "What is a TRUE Biblical Church."