“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  2 Tim 2:15
      This scripture is extremely important and can make or break one regarding doctrinal issues as well as confuse or assist when it comes to what is appropriate and scriptural today in a believer’s personal life.  Before we begin this study, let us notice a few things about this scripture.   There IS a RIGHT division in the Word of God.  This leads to 1.  The truth that there IS a division, meaning, some scriptures are more applicable at certain times to the reader.  Notice, I did not say that some of the Bible is not inspired!  Many come to this conclusion in error.  “ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God…”  (2 Tim 3;16).  So what is meant by the previous statement?  Simply this,  that parts of the Bible are for specific people, while others are written to those of a different age or dispensation!  Now, many will begin to get ruffled by this statement and will start to huff and puff, but I can PROVE that all the Bible is not written for direct instruction to all people from the moment of the beginning of history (Adam and Eve) to the present!  Did Abraham or Noah or Jeremiah have the NT during their lifetimes?  Obviously not?  Then we can obviously conclude that the Lord gave them what they NEEDED to be right with Him, can we not?  As well for those that have a completed Bible (as we thankfully do today), and that believe that it was ALL written for our direct instruction, do you perform animal sacrifices?  Do you practice circumcision as a rite?  Does your local assembly stone rebellious children?  All of these are commands that are in the Word of God, but none are written TO New Testament believers!  How confused many are today?  How many cults and “isms” have been started due to not rightly dividing the Word of God?  How many genuine believers frustratingly seek to obey scriptural commands that were never intended for them to obey!  Friend, let me explain in a very simplified way.  There is a COMMAND in the Bible to  “Make thee an ark of gopher wood:…”  Are you building an ark?  Have you begun to?  It IS commanded in the Bible!   Why do you not build an ark?  Some at this point will laugh and state, “That was written to Noah, and I am not Noah!”  EXACTLY!  And the command for circumcision was given to Abraham for him and his seed!  And the command to stone rebellious children was written to the children of Israel!  And on we go!  One MUST divide the scripture in regards to who is being written to and what AGREEMENT God had with the people at that time.  So, the fact is, that though ALL the Bible is inspired and ALL of it is scripture, not all of the Bible is written to us, as New Testament believers in this day of grace.  To state this or to hold this position is NOT blasphemous and NOT taking away from the truth that the Bible is the Word of God!  In fact, in having doing this,  one is simply believing 2 Tim 2:15!  To NOT do so, is to DISBELIEVE 2 Tim 2:15.  Some in the past have stated that the Bible is like a stack of mail, but not all of it is addressed to us, NT believers!  So there IS a right division, a correct division but we can also conclude 2.  That there is a wrong division.  As there will certainly be some that erringly claim they do not divide the word at all (which again is easily proven wrong by the questions above),  there will be some who divide too little and others that divide too much.  This also is very dangerous and leads to unscriptural doctrines and practices.  In the rest of this study, it will be evident WHERE we are to DIVIDE the scriptures, in the sense of what exactly is for NT believers.


      The answer to this question must be answered, not by opinion or denominational creed, but by the Authority, the Word of God.  In Matt. 16:21, there is reference to the Lord Jesus Christ speaking of His coming death on the cross.  “ From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.”  There is no doubt that this is pertaining to the work of Christ on Calvary and His substitutionary death.  Naturally the response by Peter and the twelve would be that they understood this, that this is the message they had been preaching, and that they were thankful for the plan of God.  But what we see is a total disavowing of Christ’s death and resurrection.  “Then Peter took him and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.”  What harrowing words!  And what a revealing statement! Certainly we can conclude from Peter’s response that they did not understand, let alone, preach, Calvary, the cross and the blood!  In fact, that point is even more  supported by the beginning of v. 21, “From that time forth Jesus began to shew unto his disciples…”  We learn some very important facts from this,  one being that Jesus only started teaching His death, burial and resurrection from this point in time.  Meaning that beforehand they had not been instructed on the cross!  So previously it is safe and correct to state that there was a different message and up until this, they had no clue about Calvary!  The second is that he merely shewed  them about His death, even at this time He did not command the twelve to preach this message!  He was merely revealing  to them what would be occurring!  How vital is each and every word in this wonderful Book of God, we call the Bible! 
      Another enlightening passage of the scriptures that reveal that the twelve (and the general followers of Christ) did not preach the message of the cross is Luke 24, where the Lord Jesus converses with two Jews on the Emmaus road.  In verse 21, we plainly see the understanding they had and the general understanding of those during that time frame.  “But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.”  The Jews of course were taught by the prophets over and over about a coming Kingdom and this was their hope.  There was no understanding of the Messiah being a sacrifice for sins, no evidence whatsoever that His death, burial and resurrection was understood or preached as a ‘gospel.”  What saith the scripture, needs to be the rule for the believer and nothing else.  The two on the Emmaus road were clearly confused (v. 20-24) and sad (v. 17) over the event of the crucifixion of Christ.  And when the two relate to Jesus the account of the body being gone from the tomb and the rumour that Christ was alive, they did not rejoice and praise the Lord for the plan of God being unfolded, but rather again, were questioning the events and very disheartened.  In the following verses we see the Lord Jesus Christ rebuking the two for their disbelief, while at the same time revealing that the prophets did teach about the death of the Messiah (Is. 53 etc) and implying that the Jews and the two should have known, understood and believed such! 
      If the gospel of the grace of God, the message of the cross, was not understood, then what exactly was the message  understood and preached during the time of the gospels?  Let the gospels tell us, is my recommendation.  In Matt. 10, the charge to the twelve disciples is given by the Lord Jesus Christ.  Verse 7 reads, And as ye go, preach, saying, the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  The message was to the nation of Israel (v, 5 6), though there were exceptions when the Gentiles were preached to.  This message of the Kingdom is also what John the Baptist preached (Matt. 3:2) and the clear emphasis of the message of Christ, while on this earth (Luke  4:43, 8:35, etc.).   And nothing else could be expected based on all the OT scriptures referring to the coming Kingdom .  Along the way, Jesus began to reveal who He was, the prophesied Messiah (John 4:25,26).  It is obvious from Matthew 10 that preaching of that time, the “good news” so to speak, was that the Kingdom was at hand (soon to come, right at the door) as the King, the Messiah was now present amongst them.  The message included a call to “repent,” (Matt 4:17), which John also included as he preached (John 3).  The Kingdom was coming and with John the call to repent was for the Jews to get prepared for the king, the Messiah (Matt. 3:3), to have a change of mind based on that information and now alter  their actions to suit this change of mind (3:8-10).  For Christ’s message, the call to repent, recognizing the Kingdom was very soon to come into effect (which would of course happened if the nation of Israel as a whole believed on Christ as Messiah), meant basically the same change of mind and conduct so one could gain entrance into the Kingdom.  One need only read the words of David in Psalm 24 to see that this is the case, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?  Or who shall stand in his holy place?  He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sword deceitfully.  He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation (vs. 3-5).”  This is the gospel of the Kingdom and this is what Christ taught throughout the time of his ministry mixed with the truth that He was (and is) God in the flesh and the promised Messiah (John 1, John 8 etc.)  One will NOT find a good news message in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as payment for sin and the way for sinful man to be forgiven of his iniquity and trespass!  Some erringly bring up John 3:16, probably the most-quoted verse in the Word of God, but this is not a direct message to his hearers, but a prophetic statement about his ministry and his future work on Calvary.  Though there is more of an emphasis in the book of John on “believing on Christ,” this does not in any way negate the truth that the message in the four gospels was not the cross (as already proven), but was the coming Kingdom and the fact that Christ was the long-promised Saviour.  Again, as cited with the Emmaus road conversation, the followers of Christ at that time were looking for one who would “redeem” Israel by defeating the enemies of the Israelites and bring in the Kingdom!  They were seeking for a warrior, one who could subdue their enemies and in doing so the Jews had missed the teaching that Messiah would be the final offering for sin (Is. 53:1-12).  There was no good news of the crucified Saviour and forgiveness of sin by the shedding of His precious blood in the writings of the four authors of the gospels, and certainly no preaching this particular good news.  Rather the “good news” was again, that the Kingdom was at the door and the Messiah was among them, he being of course, Jesus Christ! 
      In fact, even at the beginning of the book of Acts, one fails to see a message or understanding of the cross.  Look at the evidence.  In chapter one, the question given by the disciples is, “ …Lord, with thou at this time restore again the Kingdom to Israel?”  There were still expecting the Kingdom rule to begin!  In the great sermon at Pentecost, Peter does mention the death and resurrection of our Lord, but instead of offering this as a payment for sin, he puts the blame for Christ’s death on his hearers, the Jews (v. 36).  What the command is from Peter here is,  to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins (more on this in another study), but it most certainly is NOT, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” or “In who we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.”  In Acts 3, the preacher’s message is basically the same, first casting blame on the Jews for the ones responsible for Christ’s death (v. 14) and then giving a call to repent (concerning the death of Christ) and be converted.  Interesting also is that we see here in chapter three the implication that IF the Jews (as a nation) would obey this command (to repent of their error regarding Christ) and now believe Christ was the promised Messiah, then Christ would return and the Kingdom would begin to be set up (v. 20).  But as we know from scripture and historically, the Jewish nation never did turn to Christ, believing He was the promised one, though certainly there are times when individuals and even numbers like we see in chapters 2 and 3 of Acts, do so.  In Acts 4, Peter does mention the death of Christ, but what you will find is that for the next few chapters, the emphasis is concerning WHO Christ was (and is), that HE is the Messiah!  The fact of the resurrection was extremely important to validate this claim.  But notice the message given in the following few chapters is still NEVER the cross and the shed blood of Christ, but the message that Christ was the Messiah!  See Acts 7 where Stephen never even gives a gospel message, but declares the Jews as murderers of Jesus, the Just One!  In Acts 8:12, Phillip is preaching not just the things concerning Christ, but also the Kingdom of God!  There was still no understanding or preaching of the sacrificial work of Christ on Calvary!  In Acts 8 as Phillip is dealing with the eunuch, the eunuch’s profession is not “I believe On the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting alone in His shed blood, but  “ Jesus Christ is the Son of God” (v.37)!  What a difference and what a clear difference that should not be open for any debate!  If one professes ONLY faith or belief that Christ is the Son of God (God in the flesh) today, IS THAT THE GOSPEL?  NO!  EMPHATICALLY, NO!  The gospel today is 1 Cor. 15:1-5, the death burial and resurrection of Christ as payment for sin!  The substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ and by faith alone!  This is the ministry of reconciliation that believers have in this present day and the message they are to preach to a lost and dying world (2 Cor 5:18-22)!  This message goes beyond the fact that Christ is Messiah, which technically was pointed to Israel (more on this distinction later), and it even goes past WHO Christ IS (that He is God in the flesh)!  It is not until the raising up of the Apostle Paul that we learn of the complete understanding of what was accomplished on Calvary and not until then that the message being preached was the cross and the shed blood of Christ for forgiveness of sin!  This is more fully covered in the study of the Distinction of the Apostle Paul.  How imperative discerning these distinctions is if one is to truly understand the Word of God!  Hence the command to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth(2 Tim 2:15).  To not comprehend this important truth will lead one into error and confusion as to what is directly applicable for NT believers!




by James Lyman on Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 5:42pm ·
      We need to remember to allow the scriptures to be our Authority in all things including of course, doctrine?  Many will argue against the Bible on the subject matter of this particular study, but this does not alter the FACT that the Word of God is right, making any other belief or teaching, incorrect.  Funny how God’s people will debate and wrestle with a Jehovah’s Witness over scripture, demanding the cult member submit to the Book of God.  Yet when many of those same individuals are confronted with a clear Bible teaching that is contrary to their “religion,” their denomination, their church or their own particular belief, they themselves will stick with their wrong view or teaching and not acknowledge their error and agree with the Word of God!  May I remind the reader that, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”  (2 Tim 3:16).  The Bible is not intended to be merely a general guide nor is it to be just a book to encourage and comfort, though it surely is that at times, and thankfully so.  The Holy Bible is also for the purposes mentioned here: for doctrine, which simply means teaching.  In other words, to give us sound, biblical and correct teachings, regarding of course an innumerable amount of subjects, ranging from the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ to raising children.  The Bible is THE Authority and it is the sole final authority for the true believer, not man, tradition or friends!  (See Is. 8:20).  What the Bible teaches on any given subject when the subject is properly viewed, comparing scripture with scripture, considering the context, etc. IS the correct view, with no debate!  The Bible is also for reproof, which comes from the word “reprove” and means among other things, “to excite a sense of guilt, to blame, to convince of a fault, to charge with a fault to the face, to refute, to disprove”  etc.    Reproof is a strong word, yet the Bible is to be used for such when needed. Like every word here, the word correction is again, referring back to the Authority of the Word of God.  If one holds a view that is not what the Bible teaches or perhaps they are perpetrating a doctrine that is not scriptural, then the Bible is a correcting tool!  I cannot express enough the importance of understanding this!  For example if a person believes that man was created by accident and through the process of evolution, that wrong view is corrected by that account of creation in the beginning chapters of Genesis.  The one who has true confidence in the infallibility and inspiration of the Word of God will not be influenced by this faulty teaching.  An individual that holds to the view of salvation being by works is corrected by such scriptures as Romans 4:5, 5:1, Eph 2:8,9 etc.  Another on the list is instruction in righteousness and how vital this is especially in this day of heresy and confusion regarding the fruits of salvation and the believer’s view of sin!  How do we know what is right and wrong?  How should one treat his wife?  What practices are acceptable morally?  The questions can go on and one and the answers are in the precious Word of God!  This book will give it’s reader, intended to be the believer, the Christian, instruction in righteousness!  Is it any reason it is called the manual for life!
      Once God’s child understands this, that the Bible is the Authority by which all other books and teachings stand or fall, THEN a tremendous growth should take place in their personal life!  As well, they will not be swayed by the influences of men as false doctrine is presented!  Another result is the believer can now speak with Authority, which is what was recognized by those in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 7:29).  This holy revelation is what empowered the Old Testament Prophets to speak as they did. They KNEW, with a complete confidence that they were speaking the very words of God!  And they took understood that these words were the Authority and NOTHING else!  Isaiah 8:20 states, “To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”  Powerful!  Listen my friend, we have a COMPLETED Bible!  The perfect Word of God!  God’s Book to us!  As believers, those that have been scripturally converted, we CAN speak with Authority as we believe the Authority of the Word of God!  The problem is that many today profess to believe the Bible, but in their acts and words they deny it!  Oh, how the majority of professing and even true Christians, allow other things to impact their belief system and their very life, more than the Word of God!  The brethren seem to trust other brethren, the religious majority, even the opinions of the world, while rejecting the Authority of the scriptures.  One can bring up the scriptural truth of a woman wearing modest apparel and immediately the response of many believers is, “that’s not practical” or “my preacher says otherwise” or “that is not what my friends believe.”  We can be speaking of any issue from women preachers to biblical leadership in a local assembly and how rarely the scriptures are even referenced, let alone seen as THE Authority!  Everything else is given precedence over the Word of God in normal modern-day Christianity!  Yet, these same people are deceived into thinking they believe the Bible!  Why is there so much confusion over church doctrine, biblical separation, the manner of life the Christian should have, standards, etc.  The main problem, other than the heart of  the believer, is that they do not have the  Word of God as their Authority!  And this is why God’s people do not change, are unwilling to stand for truth and argue against particulars in the Christian life!  We live in a day where you can open a Bible and show CLEAR scriptures refuting error or exposing a practice etc. to a brother in the Lord and the normal response by them is, “I do not believe it, I will not change!” The real issue is that they refuse to submit to the Authority of the Word of God!
Friend, where do you stand on this?  Have you fully surrendered to Christ as your Lord and Saviour and have you fully yielded to the Word of God as your Authority?  Does your heart lean towards righteousness and obedience or towards “liberty” and freedom?  Are you willing to change anything in your life if the Word of God exposes it!  Will you allow the Bible to correct you and reprove you?  Do the scriptures “teach” you about how to live, how to act, what is appropriate, what is right and wrong or does the world or your “likes” and “dislikes” have that place of Authority?  You either believe the Word of God or you do not and the dividing point is if you allow it to be your Authority.

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